Some women love men like that(not ALL women,but specifically women who grew up in abusive homes) because we get it drilled into our heads from birth by society that only "real" men act like that, when that's not even the case some of the time. Men also get it drilled into their heads from birth that that's how a "real" man is supposed to act. Guys who tend to be overly macho sometimes tend to be abusive (I'm not saying all,just some---quiet dudes can be the same way,they just don't make it so obvious.) Some of us just like nerds,or at least guys that don't feel the need to howl and beat on their chests about how manly they are,and act like a**holes in the process (and then they come out as gay anyway--just kidding.
That being said, I liked HARSH TIMES, Bale is good and intense in it as usual--he pretty much killed it, and was hilarious in it at some points (as he is in just about everything he's in,and yeah, I forget to mention that he's good-looking,without even trying to be) and I never understood why it didn't seem to get the push it should have gotten, because it's a pretty damn good movie, and deserved to be seen. It's also one of his more overlooked performances,too.