MovieChat Forums > Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Discussion > Generic Is Another Sock Puppet Du Jour U...

Generic Is Another Sock Puppet Du Jour Uncovered...

You are so pathetic, Generic. I love humiliating you. Or shoud I say, bunny77, olliescoot, redstate... all of your socks.

Or shall I say, notmenotme.

In any event, yet another sock puppet du jour has now been easily exposed and deposed.


Let's start at the beginning.

notmenotme started a thread on the "Good Night, and Good Luck" board called "Point of Order" with this OP:

by Generic_Login (Fri Feb 10 2006 20:46:16)
UPDATED Fri Feb 10 2006 21:33:38

I recommend that you watch this highly informative documentary.

It covers the Army-McCarthy hearings in which the Army accused McCarthy of seeking special favors for a staffer of his who was mysteriously drafted right after McCarthy started asking uncomfortable (for certain Army officers) questions about communists. It is an eye opener. It was intended to show what a demogogue and charlaton McCarthy was. But when I watched it I saw that the image of McCarthly as presented in this movies and the history books is nearly one hundred and eighty degrees off from the truth. He was calm under the grilling from the Senators investigating him. He joked around with them. He chuckled when they asked him such question as "Is it not true that Private Schine (the drafted staffer) requested a fur lined hood?" and "Is it not true that whenever his unit was moved in a truck, he got to sit in the cab while the others were packed in the back like cattle?" Remember this is the documentary that supposedly shows "how a demogogue comes to power." At one point the Army presented a chart to show the days off that Private Schine took and the days off an average recruit took. (I'm not kidding. The investigation into McCarthy was really that stupid) The showed Schine's days off in black and those of average recruits in white. McCarthy's friends told him that on TV the white blocks were invisible making it appear as though only Schine got days off. McCarthy called them on that. They were dishonestly trying so smear him. The only time that the "angry" McCarthy came out was when Senators asked him questions and when he tried to answer, cut him off in mid sentence. He always encouraged the witnesses before him to give full and complete answers. It is they people McCarthy "grilled" who were reluctant to tell the truth. Speaking of the truth, you can see that famous "Have you no shame, sir?" speech by Jack Welch the Army's counsel. You can see how rude and sarcastic Welch was to Roy Cohn and how McCarthy finally got tired of his hypocracy and called him on it. Then Welch gave his obviously rehearsed speech. McCarthy asked, "What have I said that is not the truth?" What indeed?
Now if anyone actually watched this documentary, you would know that these claims are inaccurate.

Here's my response...
Wow. Sure, I watched it. McCarthy sweats, stammers, bumbles his way through it. He sure looks and sounds like a jerk. But I don't take it too seriously. Whether you're pro or con McCarthy, you'd have to be nuts to recommend this film to anyone. I take it you're not a serious movie critic. And you're not familiar with the work of Emile de Antonio. What's an eye opener is that you were watching something that was part fictitious and didn't even know it. Or else you surely would have mentioned that little important fact.

An excerpt[quote]My films are a kind of history of the United States in the days of the Cold War. They are episodic disjunctive histories. They're not like a written history which moves magisterially from the beginning to the end. They're chaotic; they're made by a chaotic person and his interests.

EDA: McCarthy was really paper to begin with. The soft part about McCarthy was he was always upset that the people he maligned, people he made, were angry. He couldn't understand why.

BJ: You catch that very well in your film Point of Order.

Q: Yeah, where he says, “Where are you going? How can you be walking out on me?”

EDA: That ending is fictitious, of course. It's made by me. That's the world walking out.

BJ: Was the court reporter made by you?

EDA: I put that in intentionally.

BJ: Yeah, but was that a shot you filmed separately?

EDA: No, no. I bought that. See, the film, the primary influence in that film is John Cage, who is a dear friend of mine, who influenced Robert Rauschenberg. It's that art can be made out of junk as much as it can out of beautifully shot stuff. In fact, most beautifully shot stuff, the way it's shot in Hollywood, is *beep* and not worth looking at.

BJ: A lot of movies now are just gorgeous to look at.

EDA: Gorgeous to look at, and I don't go. This stuff is raw, art brut, and all that. But I wanted people to see what a 35 millimetre shot would look like at that time, so I went and bought a 35 millimetre sequence that was only a few seconds, that was taken by the newsreels. It's actually beautiful.

BJ: And it's that?

EDA: And that's it.

BJ: 'Cause it pops out at you like that.

EDA: It's supposed to pop out. It's saying, “Look, this is the way film in black and white can look, but the rest of the film is really so much more significant than the courtroom stenographer doing this ridiculous thing is. That's why it's there”.
But what's interesting is that the thread/OP was not posted by "Generic."

It was posted by "notmenotme."

The troll assumed that he could simply change "notmenotme," the ID of the humiliated sock puppet that was destroyed, to "Generic."

But he (Generic) forgot to read the many other posters and their remarks or debate addressed to "notmenotme" (a.k.a. Generic).

In fact, there is not one response addressed to "Generic."

Like this one...
by Lucky-Dan (Fri Feb 17 2006 08:25:04)

notmenotme, I've been following this tete-a-tete with lawtarantino with great interest and I have to say: You should know when it's time to give up. You've met your match this time, my friend.
Or this one...

by Generic_Login (Wed Feb 22 2006 19:52:56)
My ears have been burning.

"---Notmenotme straightening me out? He hasn't replied to my posting regarding Budenz. He never mentioned Budenz. I pointed out that Budenz was the witness in the website he gave me. I said that I knew about Budenz. - lawtarantino"

I wouldn't call it straightening you out, lawtarantino.
So we now have Generic responding even though the post was clearly addressed to "notmenotme."

And there are many other posts just like that one. I call it quite hilarious, indeed.

So you changed your humiliated sock puppet ID "notmenotme" to "Generic" but forgot to read the many posts that respond to you as "notmenotme." Too good to be true.

"Go ahead, make my day"


Hey, "Generic"... here's a blast from the past. Remember when your sock puppet "bunny77" responded to your sock puppet "notmenotme," which is now "Generic" on the same thread? LMAO...

by bunny77 (Fri Mar 10 2006 19:59:26)
The sad thing about "lawtarantino" and the bullsh!t he's dumping on this board is that this thread started out with an intellectual discussion about Point of Order. I haven't seen it but I'll find it if I can. Tell us more about it, notme and we can get the discussion back on track. Trying to deal with Mr multi-personality and his limp little sock puppets is getting us nowhere/
LMAO I love it.

"Tell us more about it, notme, and we can get the discussion back on track."

Now you're now writing to yourself but to your new sock puppet du jour, "Generic," who has been busted.



My challenge from the previous post:

So if this is the hand you've played, you've lost terribly. I thought you had some data to make this interesting. So far, you've provided nothing but a poor attempt to side-step the major issue being debated.

Prove to me that illegal aliens are the major cause of overcrowding in our ERs across this nation. The studies, statistics and JAMA conclusion clearly refutes that claim.
Your pathetic reply...
Um . . . old lonely fart . . . is this like ALL you do?
Translation: icparis has no evidence to support his ludicrous statement. Again, you're failing miserably to side-step the main issue. No debating skills. What a loser.

Ignorant icparis cannot refute the studies, statistics and JAMA conclusion that clearly states that insured and uninsured Americans are the major cause of overcrowding in our ERs.

So instead you comment on my assumed age and posting habits.


My age and posting habits as it relates to this "debate" are immaterial.

What's relevant to you is that I'm easily kicking your retarded carcass from post to post. And by avoiding the major topic of debate #1, you step deeper and deeper into the smelly #2.

And it's interesting how your behavior mirrors that of another troll/sock that I easily humiliated and defeated. When that troll was thoroughly defeated, he would always refuse to "answer" anything---provide evidence to support his insane conclusions---unless I answered a question first. This first post was by the troll/sock "bunny77" (other socks include "Generic_Login," "redstate," "olliescoot," "notmenotme," etc.)...
by bunny77 (Thu Feb 23 2006 00:07:54)
"I tell you what. You answer notme's question about Dr Laura... then I'll provide facts."
Sound like anyone we know? LMAO

This second post was by the same troll. Again the troll refuses to provide irrefutable evidence to support his idiotic conclusions unless I provide an "answer." Note the troll has since changed the name of the original poster ID to "Generic." But also note in this text, "Generic" charges that I failed to answer his other sock, "notmenotme," but never reveals that they are one in the same... LMAO...
by Generic_Login (Tue Mar 30 2010 20:39:13)
"You were asked that question by notmenotme and you refuse to answer... Answer the question or no more responses from me, ever."
Of course, in every instance, by failing to provide the irrefutable evidence, the troll lost badly and was terribly humiliated. bunny77 has been Roadkill for years (dead and gone).

And lo and behold, that's your current situation, icparis... look at what you've just posted...
by icparis 15 hours ago (Wed Oct 27 2010 18:51:10)
"Answer that and I'll explain why you are wrong about the so called illegal aliens so even you can understand it."
LMAO... could it be?... two socks in one week exposed?

The challenge or ball is in your court. So far, you've failed to provide the irrefutable evidence and thus remain humiliated and defeated. Do show us all this irrefutable evidence that refutes the JAMA's conclusion.

So far you've given us this: ______.

What you have given us is the same behavior and answer of an exposed troll who uses multiple socks.

Yet another stinky sock in our midst?



The challenge went unanswered and icparis... like the many other ollie socks...



