MovieChat Forums > Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Discussion > McCarthy Vs. Welch was Like Romney Vs. O...

McCarthy Vs. Welch was Like Romney Vs. Obama

Welch came off looking weak and pathetic.

How the left has thought for all these years that Welch somehow put McCarthy down just shows how delusional they are.

Welch sarcastically asked McCarthy to "Please tell us if you know of any communists!"

So McCarthy called him on having a communist on his own staff. How is that Welch getting the better of McCarthy?

Welch's reaction? He practically cried at how unfair he thought McCarthy was being to that "poor boy" who was an attorney just as Welch was. Then he refused to talk to McCarthy anymore.

He lost that exchange just like Obama lost his debate with Romney.

Maybe in fifty years we will have a selectively edited version of that debate and claim that Obama was victorious.

No one gets outa here without singin' the Blues.


Poor ollie. Still trying and failing to find a morsel of anything positive to embellish his tarnished and defeated hero, "Tail Gunner Joe."


So now this "edited" version of the Welch/McCarthy encounter. Fischer was a member of the Lawyer's Guild, which worked to defend thousands of people, including communists. The Lawyer's Guild did not hide this fact. The Lawyer's Guild was the ACLU of its time.

So McCarthy called him on having a communist on his own staff. How is that Welch getting the better of McCarthy?
What's missing from this edited excerpt---and flaunting your ignorance yet again on the subject of McCarthy---is the following fact: Welch divulged Fischer's status as a former member of this group to The NY Times long before he encountered McCarthy at the hearing. Some wise reporters wrote that Fisher was planted by Welch to work with him during the hearings, knowing that McCarthy would try to smear Welch and Fisher, who was a lawyer simply doing his job while working at the Lawyer's Guild. If Fisher was a plant, it worked to perfection. McCarthy took the bait. What's also missing from this excerpt is the fact that Fisher broke no law and defended many people working for the Lawyer's Guild.
Welch's reaction? He practically cried at how unfair he thought McCarthy was being to that "poor boy" who was an attorney just as Welch was. Then he refused to talk to McCarthy anymore.

Don't go by the "edited" version, moron. Watch the real end of the hearing as it relates to McCarthy:

Now stop crying for your hero; those tears are blurring your vision. You see Welch admonish McCarthy, who, in the end, can't even look at Welch---McCarthy looks downward, dejected, then stares ahead into space. What's more, McCarthy is silent: he can't even say a single word in his defense. Welch destroyed McCarthy. The people applaud and McCarthy is silent. He was a thoroughly defeated man after this hearing.

