McCarthy is a 'dirty' word.
Excellent film; based largely on real events, exposing the iniquities of those who would sweep away democracy, whilst purporting to be its champion.
McCarthy is rightly a 'dirty' word.
Excellent film; based largely on real events, exposing the iniquities of those who would sweep away democracy, whilst purporting to be its champion.
McCarthy is rightly a 'dirty' word.
Interestingly enough, Mccarthy was proven to be right about a great many communists in the government. After the fall of the soviet union/communism, alot of documentation revealed this.
shareThe amount of sh!t he threw around, it's hardly surprising it stuck somewhere!
shareHis tactics and methods were definitely wrong, he was just the wrong messenger at the right time. Someone a bit more intelligent and less zealous should have/could have done the right thing.
shareThe right thing?
You mean, allowed people the freedom to join any political party they wished to, whilst living in a democracy, without it being a problem. Someone who may not agree with communism but would defend the rights of anyone who did?
Because that's what I would call the right thing.
I'm talking about the released FBI recordings of spies (including the Rosenbergs) and the KGB documentation released after the collapse of the soviet union that provides evidence of spying and secrets being provided to the russians. The rosenbergs were executed and they weren't the only ones...
With the opening of the KGB archives and the release of the VENONA intercepts - decoded Soviet KGB and GRU traffic - it has been proved that McCarthy was absolutely right about the extensive Soviet penetration of the U.S. government in all the most sensitive sections and its danger to America. According to the KGB archives the NKVD had 221 agents in the Roosevelt administration in April 1941 and the Soviet military GRU probably had a like number. He was proved right that the Communist Party, U.S.A., was an arm of the Soviet intelligence apparatus and the Soviet Union considered the US as their "main enemy."
Quite right to investigate spying in government circles. Of course there are spies. There always has been and always will be: Your spies, our spies and their spies.
McCarthy and his ilk went after people who had nothing to do with government:
Actors, directors, playwrights, musicians, journalists, teachers, longshoremen, civil rights activists, merchant seamen, homosexuals etc. etc.
They abandoned the truth and swept aside the due process of the law.
To quote Sir Thomas More:
"I'd give the Devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake"
"I think that when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos."
God Bless America for coming to it's senses and seeing McCarthy for what he really was. Shame it took so long.
Again, as I mentioned, he was a zealot, he used questionable tactics and I agree, it was right for CBS/Murrow et all to expose him, but my point still stands...
shareHe was more than a zealot, he was a paranoiac alcoholic, who went as far as hinting about President Eisenhower's links with communism.
And anybody who believes that the USSR, China and N. Korea is communist hasn't bothered to open a book on the topic.
Great film.
"anybody who believes that the USSR, China, and N. Korea is communist hasn't bothered to open a book on the topic"
The stupidity and ignorance are self evident. Further comment is not necessary.
Interestingly enough, Mccarthy was proven to be right about a great many communists in the government. After the fall of the soviet union/communism, alot of documentation revealed this.
McCarthy kept this country safe. I only wish he could have done more. There were still many communist in the federal government despite his questionings. Oh, I feel appropriate sympathy for those who had to give up their servants and maybe even spend a few years in France. If this myth that is called "McCarthyism" had been real, we wouldn't have the current evil in Washington forcing communism on us now!
shareWhat total @rse-gravy!
shareWhat total misinformation!
shareI'm amazed people like you still exist.
"Reds under the beds!"
Communism is dead.
It didn't work. It never did, but keep going with the paranoia!
shareohterry: you are absolutely 100% correct. Venona and other documents released after the fall the Soviet Union prove McCarthy, if anything, underestimated the problem of Soviet's within the US government.
And Mackey254:
"You mean, allowed people the freedom to join any political party they wished to, whilst living in a democracy, without it being a problem. Someone who may not agree with communism but would defend the rights of anyone who did?"
The McCarthy investigations were not about people's political preferences. McCarthy investigated real life instances of Communist infiltration within government. McCarthy repeatedly stated that he did not care whether or not someone was a Communist, he just didn't think Communist or Communists sympathizers should be deciding US foreign policy toward Communist nations, or handling US secrets. The record shows that Soviet spies took great advantage of people like you, people who thought Communists were harmless.
"Actors, directors, playwrights, musicians, journalists, teachers, longshoremen, civil rights activists, merchant seamen, homosexuals etc. etc."
Actors? Directors? You are thinking of the HUAC investigations. McCarthy called no one before his committee who was not directly related to an investigation of Communist infiltration. He called no one because of their political views. Recent evidence suggests McCarthy's subcommittee may have been being fed information by the FBI.
'The McCarthy investigations were not about people's political preferences'
What total, utter, unmitigated, unadulterated bollocks!
But thanks, we got a good few high callibre people coming over to Europe from the US so they could live in a free country.
Alright mackay254:
"'The McCarthy investigations were not about people's political preferences'
What total, utter, unmitigated, unadulterated bollocks! "
Back that claim up. Find me someone McCarthy investigated simply because of their political preferences.
"Are you, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?"
Is this not an investigation based on politics?
I must have missed something.
I don't have cable Bigtrain45, thank you for asking.
I have collected my "facts" from the transcripts of McCarthy's hearings. I can link you to the online versions I have found if you like, though I highly doubt you're really interested in changing your "opinion" on McCarthy.
I think the real question you both should be asking is "why would anyone plead the Fifth after being asked if they were a Communist?" You clearly do not understand the Communist party in general, the CPUSA, and the Comintern international. Many members of the Communist party were spies! They were not called before McCarthy's committee because they were Communists, but rather because they were Communists that McCarthy had evidence on indicating that they were spies.
Lets take a look at McCarthy's investigation of the Government Printing Office. The transcripts can be found here:
The first witness was a former undercover agent for the FBI who had infiltrated the Baltimore are Communist party. She named names and functions within the party, the focus of which was a couple named the Rothschilds. Mr. Rothschild had worked for the GPO for 15 years. McCarthy then called four more witnesses, to further identify the Rothschilds involvement in espionage and the note the kinds of secret material that passed through the GPO.
McCarthy then called the man alleged to be Mr. Rothschild's partner in the GPO spy ring. On page 56 you will note that, in the questioning of Mr. Sillers (Rothschild's partner) that Senator Dirksen asks Sillers if he was ever a member of the Communist party:
Senator Dirksen. Mr. Sillers, were you ever a member of the Communist
Mr. Sillers. I refuse to answer on the basis of the fifth amendment.
But that is not all Sillers refused:
Senator Dirksen. Were you ever a member of the Communist Party,
Mr. Sillers, while you were in the employ of the Government Printing
Mr. Sillers. I refuse to answer.
The Chairman. While in the Government did you have access to
classified materials?
(Witness conferred with his counsel.)
Mr. Sillers. I refuse to answer that on the basis of the fifth
Why refuse to answer these, and many other questions. Why confirm the testimony of the previous 4 witnesses with your refusals? I think the answer should be obvious.
McCarthy opens the second day of the hearings (on page 61) with an interesting statement:
The Chairman. The committee will come to order. I first would like to say that I have received a number of phone calls from people asking how this situation could have gone on with the very competent FBI which we have. I think it is time to begin to lay to rest the old claim that the FBI is responsible for any Communists in Government. I know that that claim is made even by some Senators on the floor, and that the committee should not expose Communists, because the FBI is doing it. I think it should be very clear from this case that the FBI did an outstanding job. As early as 1943, they submitted to the GPO evidence of Communist activities on the part of Rothschild and Mrs. Rothschild. According to the chairman of the loyalty board, they gave the GPO a list of 40 informants, who gave statements as to the Communist activities of Mr. Rothschild. I think it should be very clear that there is nothing the FBI can do about hiring or firing anyone unless he works for the FBI. I think this case serves as a very good example of that. I merely mention that to try again, if possible, to lay to rest the claim that the FBI is not doing its job. I repeat I think they have been doing a tremendous job. The difficulty is that those on the department loyalty boards have not been making use of the material the FBI submits.
The testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Rothschild on that second and final day of the hearings was much the same. Refusal to answer question after question, a negative answer to almost any of which would have cleared them.
The point of all this was, Mr. Rothschild, identified under oath and in the documents stolen from the CP party in Baltimore by the star witness, prove that Rothschild was stealing classified material and secret codes from the GPO (along with the other members of the GPO cell). As of the day he was called before McCarthy's committee, he still worked for the GPO.
Show me the Fox news report that would talk about this please. Personally, I don't like any of the cable news, including Fox, but that's just me. Was the above investigations about political preferences? obviously not.
It's hard to argue against this.
McCarthy kept this country safe.LMAO
Senators do not "send people to jail". I'm sure you must know that. In McCarthy's case he raised issues of security in the federal government and held hearings in 1953-4. Numerous individuals were either removed from government service or put into less sensitive posts due to issues raised by McCarthy and others about federal employees. What is also certain is that security was tightened considerably in matters of federal government personnel as a result of the activities of McCarthy and like minded politicians. Moss is an example of just that. If you were unaware of this it's not surprising, as people have been consistently misled about this business by the media and educators for half a century. Many of these "sources" are simply ignorant of the facts (McCarthy rampaging through Hollywood is one of their most colossal boners, but people believe it because they've been told it so many times, though it is complete rubbish as a 5 minutes check on the internet would show them) and have no interest in questioning the "received wisdom" (in a few cases they do know the realities but consciously dissemble about them).
Moss lied to the committee. It wasn't, as you contend, McCarthy who helped Moss through ineptitude or otherwise, it was Sen. Stuart Symington, a PSI committee Democrat(and to a lesser extent Sen. Jackson and Sen. McClellan) with his speculations about her not being the right Annie Lee Moss/doubting any communist affiliations. Rather than having all the committee against her, Moss had allies, Symington especially, lined up with her - look the transcripts of Symington's interventions ("I think you are telling the truth"). All the senators had been briefed by the FBI intel on Moss prior to the hearing and so the attitude of Symington especially looks very strange. It probably has its basis in the war cranking up between McCarthy, Cohn and the Army, embarrassed by such security lapses being exposed by the committee and preparing to hit back - Symington was already lining up with the Army against McCarthy, something that became very public during the Army-Carthy hearings. Symington went so far in his advocacy of Annie Lee Moss he told her he would get her a job if she lost hers due to appearing before the committee (she was then on suspension). In 1955 the Army took Moss back - but they put her into a non sensitive position. Later Symington would backtrack on his defense of Moss. The committee did have the right woman and her presence in the Pentagon code room represented a serious security breach by the Army, but you wouldn't know that from the myths which have been spread about the case ever since by anti McCarthy/red "scare" polemicists.
As to McCarthy leaving the Moss hearing, he did indeed have a prior appointment and had to leave - a not unheard of practice during hearings - nothing to to with him not being able to stand the heat. Moss wasn't there to face an "accuser", one man, Joe McCarthy, she was there to be questioned by a Senate committee of which McCarthy was chairman. Karl Mundt, next ranking Republican, took over as acting chairman, as he did during the Army hearings soon after.
So, it was Symington more than anyone else who initially muddied the waters to make Moss "appear" a "witch hunted" innocent, let her off the hook. And the muddying has gone on ever since - Murrow using it to belabor McCarthy in his "See it now" broadcast" in 1954, Clooney using it 50 years later.
I don't know of any evidence that Moss was a "spy", but having the kind of communist party links she had she should rightly have been considered a "security risk" and not have been in the Pentagon code room. Your quote from Mc Carthy at the hearing actually encapsulates what most concerned him - not so much "is x a communist /security risk", but why has a communist/security risk been placed in a sensitive post and who was responsible. In fact, the Moss case you quote is a classic illustration of why Senate and HOR hearings were necessary, as the Army/loyalty boards/public officials etc failed time and again to deal with those who had security issues in sensitive federal posts. Alger Hiss is one of the most famous - Hiss carving out a great career in government despite the sound security warnings about him. John Stewart Service of the State department is an example of a case McCarthy correctly raised which had been whitewashed and fumbled during the Truman administration. Then there was the influence of communist lining Mao promoter Prof.Owen Lattimore, China guru to the State Department under FDR and Truman. McCarthy and Sen. William E Jenner's committee exposed Lattimore's role, but by then China was communist and millions of Chinese people would be slaughtered and starved to death by Lattimore's friendly "democratic" "agrarian reforming" Maoists.
McCarthy didn't always call it right and made errors (which politician doesn't!), but he wasn't the demon king of political legend. The truth about the "red scare" is more complex than the pervasive mythology which surrounds it has misled people into believing.
In McCarthy's case he raised issues of security in the federal government and held hearings in 1953-4. Numerous individuals were either removed from government service or put into less sensitive posts due to issues raised by McCarthy and others about federal employees.McCarthy jumped on the Red Scare bandwagon and, in many cases, asked to spearhead numerous committee investigations that were ongoing or just beginning. This was rather odd since McCarthy had little to no experience investigating such matters. Many have called it a political move to further his career. The press was dazzled by his ever-shifting charges of the number of communists in the State Dept. after Wheeling. But as one accusation after another collapsed for lack of evidence, McCarthy began to lose face. He needed an Ann Lee Moss. He clearly botched the investigation and proceedings, which allowed Moss, a communist, to continue operating and working in our government. McCarthy was certainly one of the most inept investigators during that period. Claiming that he had evidence against people that he never produced damaged the entire process. As in the case of Dorothy Kenyon (and many others), he recklessly made charges and claimed he had evidence, which, in fact, he never produced. These charges ruined innocent people's lives.
Security was tightened considerably in matters of federal government personnel as a result of the activities of McCarthy.Your statement is semi-misleading. It was the Age of Suspicion BEFORE McCarthy appeared in Washington. Many people had been or were in the process of being investigated by committees, agencies, bureaus, etc. LONG BEFORE Tail-Gunner Joe appeared on the scene. Security was already "tight." The nation's headlines featured government investigations into people charged as being communists or having communist sympathies already working in government positions.
Moss lied to the committee. It wasn't, as you contend, McCarthy who helped Moss through ineptitude or otherwise, it was Sen. Stuart Symington, a PSI committee Democrat(and to a lesser extent Sen. Jackson and Sen. McClellan) with his speculations about her not being the right Annie Lee Moss/doubting any communist affiliations.Let's get the facts right. You make it appear as though McCarthy simply appeared and disappeared. Wrong. Two days before the Moss hearings, McCarthy released to the press a lengthy worded statement that he would "Lead the investigation" in the Senate Caucus Room and this time he would, "Deliver a Communist spy who worked in the Pentagon code room." It was McCarthy grandstanding yet again. McCarthy had done this repeatedly: assume a leadership position in a committee that was already investigating and/or questioning a person with communist association. I've already (in another post on this board) written a detailed account of that proceeding in which McCarthy---as seen in the tape---appears visibly uncomfortable when the facts of her job---that she did NOT encode or decode messages---were revealed and McCarthy's charges/facts were beginning to crumble. The other senators you wrote about simply QUESTIONED the VALIDITY of McCarthy's and the committee's CHARGES against her. By abruptly leaving the investigation---and ignoring the statement which cleared up her identity and other issues---he created an opening for at least a DELAY in the investigation, which is exactly what occurred. In a later (continuation) investigation---with a competent person at the helm---Moss's identity was resolved (as it should have been that day) and she was removed from her position.
As to McCarthy leaving the Moss hearing, he did indeed have a prior appointment and had to leave - a not unheard of practice during hearings - nothing to to with him not being able to stand the heat.Wrong. Get the facts right. His next "prior appointment" wasn't until many hours later that evening, when he appeared with Fulton Lewis on the Mutual Broadcasting System to lash out at his critics, especially Murrow. Following his abrupt departure during the Moss proceedings, McCarthy went directly to his office. He had NO scheduled appointments or meetings that afternoon. Period. A CBS (and other news) reporter followed him, attempting to asertain why he left the proceedings so abruptly. It was NOT customary for McCarthy or his aides to simply bolt from a hearing, especially when his charges/accusations and facts were being questioned. To suggest the opposite means you don't know McCarthy or his nature/behavior. In fact, when McCarthy believed he was right in the face of falsehood, he would be combative and vigorously defend his charges, data and facts to the point of keeping people testifying much longer than scheduled/expected. Without question, he left the proceedings because some of the "facts" of the Moss case were in serious doubt. He lost his composure and bolted from the hearing. Pathetic.
I don't know of any evidence that Moss was a "spy", but having the kind of communist party links she had she should rightly have been considered a "security risk" and not have been in the Pentagon code room.Again, review the facts. Moss was reinstated in her job when the committee had to suspend its investigation, in part, based on her identity, etc. After the investigation commenced again, she was suspened just FIVE MONTHS LATER. In January 1955, she was reinstated, but this time in a "nonsensitive" position. Three years later, the Subversive Activities Control Board issued a report stating that, in the 1940s, Moss had been a member of the Communist Party.
McCarthy didn't always call it right and made errors, but he wasn't the demon king of political legend.But he didn't simply make "errors." He wasn't simply reckless. He lied about his war service---it was used to exaggerating the truth for personal gain. It was his nature to lie. McCarthy lied repeatedly with respect to charging people and failing to provide promised evidence in support of his charges. By doing so, he ruined countless lives. Certanily you and anyone reading this can discern the difference between a political lie and one that can ruin a person's life. We can look back and reflect. What was disturbing about the far-right hysterics, the "professional" anti-communists, the McCarthyites, was that they turned their hatred inward upon any fellow American who differed from their notion of patriotic purity. They assumed a shrill, self-righteous posture that anyone who questioned a picture-perfect America was somehow disloyal. Most disturbing was how McCarthy was able to charge people without offering any irrefutable proof or, in many cases, no proof at all. The total disregard for the individual's right to a fair hearing, the presumed guilt by accusation.