I'm literally less than 5 minutes into this film and I already hoping it gets better. I'm going into it with high expectations because of all the nominations and positive reviews. I hope the writing and acting are enough for me to suspend belief that this movie was made in the twenty first century because at this moment it's not. If the art department and the director allow something so obvious to slide by I'm not so sure I can sit through it without cringing and shaking my head. The reason for my disappointment is this, every single man in the opening sequence has on the exact same bowtie. On what planet does that happen because surely this is a science fiction movie ? Or, they bought every single one from the same place at the same time. It's obvious that's what happened. I find that to be laziness on the part of the people responsible. I could locate a dozen different ties in an hour. So I'm going back to watch more of this period piece with the hope it improves or the story makes me forget that it was filmed yesterday.