Smith vs Hilton

Find it quite amusing that Kevin Smith will be in this, he isn't exacly a big Paris Hilton fan.

When he was standing in on Radio Alice a few weeks back, some one brought her name up and he said "Can't believe we nearly got through the whole show without someone referencing Paris F'n Hiton".

Wonder if there will be any tention there if they are in scenes together.

"Why are we walking like this?" - Dante Hicks (Clerks-Uncensored)


I don't think it will be a big deal, since there is a lot of people involved and in the movie besides Paris.


He was just a last minute replacement because Paul Walker couldn't make his cameo. Only reason he is in it was because of Mewes. From reading Kevin's blog he was only there for a couple of shots. He probably didn't even have to say a work to Paris.


You're right, Elf Dog. He was not in any of the scenes with Paris Hilton. His part takes place in Minnesota and hers is basically in the Hollywood scenes and one in Minnesota, but not with him.


hey nooba


They were both in the red carpet ending scenes. Although they might have recorded it completely sepperate I don't think so (twice the same set and extra's...)

"Define 'interesting'..." [deadpan] "Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?"
