paris naked

is she naked in this movie cause thats the only way i am going to see it

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum


yes, theres a 10-minute scene of her dancing completely nude. after that, she gets in a sword fight with dildos and takes over the world.


You forgot the lesbian orgy scene she has with Jessica Alba, the Olsen Twins, Heidi Klum, Kate Beckinsale, and every girl in the state of California.


oh poop how could i forget that one?!


wow really!!! (laying the sarcasm on pretty thick)

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum


poopyface. its not like you can't find paris naked online, so don't sob.


Hitman you put shame to MST3k fans everywhere....


not even close, and her hair is dyed too,, doesn't even look like her at all.

works for me
