MovieChat Forums > Real Steel (2011) Discussion > A One Line Review, by One Legged Hershel

A One Line Review, by One Legged Hershel

Real Steal was like Rocky, but with robots, and starred Wolverine and the lady from Lost.

8/10 stars

... and so, the endless circle of life comes to an end.


Real Steel was a KID'S movie which RECYCLED the stories of Rocky 3, Rocky 4 and Over the Top and starred an annoying kid that made Jake Lloyd/Anakin Skywalker look like an angel in comparison!

2/10 stars (and I'm being generous!)


I liked the first review better. Your review I rate

1/10 stars


"rikki-10", what does the "10" stand for? Your age? That would explain why you would enjoy a garbage movie like this.

Your reply I rate

0/10 stars

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!
