This Movie was Rocky 1+4 with Robots with a touch of 'Over the Top'.
and Made for Kids and Families. What the Hell were you expecting, Shakespeare, Citizen Kane, or Shawshank Redemption. This was prefectly fine for what it is. And Frankly ive seen far worse movies than this. If you think this is the worst a movie can be. Your an moron. If you were Looking for a dark and gritty movie about corruption of Robot Boxing. Frankly you were looking in the wrong place. I usually try enjoy a movie for what it is. Instead of Wasting my life bitching about what its not. You know like the vast majority of people on IMDB. Sure this Movie is not all that original. But that Alone dosn't make it bad. Because Frankly Every movie is a ripoff of something. There are no original ideas.