When network executives "hire" a "writer" to "script" a film like this, you have to wonder how many times the films own catch phrase "we're gonna make some money"!! was uttered by them.

If you enjoy this film, fine.

If you hate this film, excellent. Your soul refuses to acquiesce to the Hollywood claptrap and garbage that this film and every movie with "$" in the eyes of it's creators represents.

Film is ART.

Money is FILTH.

Anyone that voted this film with any rating other than a 0 has no soul.

"feel good movie"? If you consider this a feel good movie, than you didn't even watch it. You just droned on along, not listening to ANY of the sophomoric dialogue and plot devices that drag this film to it's obvious enviable conclusion;
a studio sequel, nothing more. They already "hired" another "writer". Let's all hope he brings them money, and NOTHING to entertain us.

You people are sheeple


The kid and robot dancing together made me want to puke.


I just wanted the robot to throttle the kid by the end of the movie.


The plot is predictable sure. Doesn't ruin the movie for me though. I really like Real Steel. I do hate that there's a sequel being made though.
