The kid told Charlie, "Just bring the cart to the edge, I'll pull him out with the wench." Since the machine was covered in mud at where the kid and Charlie were sitting, all the kid would have to do is get as much of the mud off the top of Atom (which is easy compared to digging into dirt with your bare hands. Even more so since the stream of water coming from the top was flowing over Atom, thus making it even easier to remove the mud) and then use the wench from the cart to pull him out.
As for how did he get the robot out of the junkyard, if you listen closely to when Charlie was taking the cart in and when Max was coming back with Atom on board, you can hear an electric motor whirring, indicating that the cart has an onboard electric motor that is used to move with and without massive weight on it. It'd be easy for Max to pull the cart with the electric motor. If you mean, "how did he get out without being seen?" Simple, he got out without being seen the same way he and Charlie got in without being seen. The search lights are automated and there's no guard dogs, so Max was able to get Atom out close to sunset and was half way down the road as the sun was rising until he found Charlie waiting for him.
Hope that addresses your question.
But this one's eating my popcorn!