A few questions - Spoilers
- Why was Atom "thrown away"? He seemed to be in good shape and could be used by a lot of people. I'm sure someone like Charlie would have wanted him even if he needed upgrades.
- How could Atom take so much damage? I know he was used for training, but he got abused so much more than others that were destroyed quickly. Zeus tore apart newer, "stronger" robots in minutes and Atom got pounded for minutes strait at times. Wouldn't his head have been knocked off or his sensors destroyed (before his voice thing was at the end)?
- Why would others not make a strong shadow, training bot for fighting? If it can take more damage than others, why not make a newer one like that, but with upgrades that people have over time.
- If Atom is an old Robot, that wasn't even good enough to be a fighter back when he was new, then how years later with new technology and more money put into them would the Robots not be a lot stronger than him?