Jake loyyds far less talent little brother?
I want to preface this that jake loyyd has apparently suffered from many mental issues which is no joke. whether its from harassment over the prequels, or stardom at a young age, I totally sympathize with him.
but this kid made Jake look like freaking Daniel Day Lewis......
based on the preview I thought it would be garbage. but some critics I respected said this was underrated and aweomse, and thought I would give it a chance...
but what a hunk of garbage.... besides its annoying clichés, its overlong story, its nonsensical parts "not yet... not yet...... keep letting atom get thrashed.... not yet...." the most annoying part had to be this terrible child actor..
almost every scene was cringeworthy and some of the worst kid acting I have ever seen.......... he was soooo brutally bad he made Loyyd look like a mix of dicaprio, lewis and streep combined....
I am not sure what the director was thinking......
unfortunately the kid doesn't even have the excuse of "acting against green screens" like the jungle book kid did (who was also terrible).. he was just terrible