Robot self aware
Looked throughout the board but the question has not been asked so I am going to ask it.. Do you believe this robot was self aware? I think it was, certain scenes throughout the movie suggest that it is.
shareLooked throughout the board but the question has not been asked so I am going to ask it.. Do you believe this robot was self aware? I think it was, certain scenes throughout the movie suggest that it is.
shareDr. Orpheus: It craves... purity... it devours... purity... it seems to be... What the hell is this thing made out of?share
Dr. Venture: Nothing.
Dr. Orpheus: Come on...
Dr. Venture: Alright fine, I might have used a few unorthodox parts.
Dr. Orpheus: Just tell me one!
Dr. Venture: An... (quietly) orphan...
Dr. Orpheus: A what?
Dr. Venture: An... orphan.
Dr. Orpheus: Did you say... an orphan!?
Dr. Venture: Yeah... a little.. orphan boy..
Dr. Orpheus: It's powered by a forsaken child!?
Dr. Venture: Might be... kind of... I mean, I didn't use the whole thing!
The "secret" line and mirror scene seem to be taking the plot in that direction, then it is completely dropped and never brought up again. I can't help but wonder those two scenes - especially the mirror one - are in the film, unless they are leftovers from script drafts where more was made of this.
I found the mirror scene really hauntingly cool, and was sad it apparently meant nothing, especially as it is used for the main menu on the Bluray copy I watched!
A very common occurrence in science fiction is for a very technologically advanced android or robot that is SUPPOSED to be emotionless to end up as a byproduct of how advanced the computers are to end up with a very mild degree of emotion that I call "micro emotion" but to NOT be able to feel emotion at all at a human level.
The most obvious examples I can think of are Terminator 2 Judgement Day where Arnold says that he now understands why humans cry even though he could never do it. His level of caring for the boy and his mother went beyond what a totally emotionless being could have. I think DATA on Star Trek Next Gen even before he got his "emotion chip" had a mild degree of emotion. It was obvious he cared about his friends and companions to a level greater than a totally emotionless being could and in fact just WANTING to have emotion is in my opinion an emotion in itself. In fact I think he had more "micro emotion" than Terminator 2 achieved. Hal on 2001 A Space Odyssey tried to kill the astronauts to keep them from unplugging him which for a computer would basically be death. I think the robot in this had a very low level of emotion and cared about the boy a little bit.