My Go-To Guilty Pleasures.

These are some of the most critically reviled films of recent memory. Not only do professional critics hate them, but film geeks in general have an ax to grind as well. While they don't get the same volume of hate as say, the Transformers films-the hate itself is about equal.

I can't really blame anybody for hating them either. I mean, they are overly produced, feature length music video's. Well, I do maintain that the first and third films are actually legitimately worthy genre films, but 2,4 and 5 are definitely the very definition of "big dumb movies". And I like them all.

I can't explain it other than to put it this simply: I like them. That's really it. They are like my favorite candy. I know I shouldn't eat it as much as I should, I know I could be eating something better for me, but it just tastes so good while I'm having it that I don't care.

And unlike the TF films (I still like the first one, though), these films have the good sense to know when they are wearing out their welcome and the action is much more controlled and fluid and not chaotic like TF.

So yea, I can't really defend myself. There is no clever justification in me liking this franchise other than that they just hit a certain button for me. I know they are dumb, I know they are vapid. But they are my kind of dumb and vapid.
