"For example, they recently bought a brand new frigate from France and took it out for six hours (he was on the ship), fired off a couple of missles and the main gun, came back to port, celebrated their "victory" given to them by Allah, and then left it to rust because they really didn't want it or need it."
I have a similar story - I know a guy (also French) who spent six years working on the design and construction of a frigate that was going to be sold to some emirate or other in the Persian Gulf. Within a month, the new owners ran it right into a ******* rock and damaged it beyond repair. Needless to say, my friend was not pleased.
Yeah, Arab armies in general suck - just ask the Israelis. I think one of the biggest reasons is that the army has been the power base for so many coups in the region (Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria) that their governments are more afraid of them than they are of foreigners. So they keep them happy with all the newest Western gizmos, while at the same time keeping them under control by muddying up the chain of command and creating rivalries (usually you have the regular army, and on the side you have a smaller but more elite unit like the Republican Guard). Hitler and Stalin enjoyed politicizing their military too, look where it got them...
Having said all that let's remember this is the army we're talking about. Their police, the guys who appear in The Kingdom, are probably a lot more efficient (they don't kid around with government security).
Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!