MovieChat Forums > The Kingdom (2007) Discussion > Islam = barbaric, idiotic movement

Islam = barbaric, idiotic movement

Imagine if Christians today would continue hunting for witches, organize crussades, support inquisition, etc. etc. Well that is exactly what Islam is all about - either you support it, or you are basically unworthy to live, and in today's modern world it sounds barbaric. Yeah yeah i know there are peaceful believers, but I personally am so sick of these cowards and animals who can only express their beliefs with terror and killings. I actually thought The Kingdom tried too hard to be balanced and fair. It doesnt matter - everytime American filmmakers will try to depict Islamic movement, they will be called infidels and biased. So why try? If they hate us so much, why are we to be called racist if we hate them as well? I am done trying to be thoughtful and no i do not want to understand their side of the story. I just know that they are always the ones striking first and they are the ones who are unworthy to walk on this earth. We try to be civilized and all we receive is more hatred and sarcasm...


Imagine if Christians today would continue hunting for witches, organize crussades, support inquisition, etc. etc.

they do.




what a simple minded post, think this guy was born yesterday or something


christianity tries to pass itself off as peaceful, and benevolent, but christians would stack muslims, homosexuals, liberals, etc., to the sky, and set them on fire, if they thought they could get away with it. Their 'terrorism' is just more subtle.


Thats why they teach 'Hate the sin - not the sinner' right ?
When a Christian says "peace be with you" they don't mean 'unless you're a non Christian' (who should be converted or killed ...oh yeah, you could be made to pay a tax first or be a 2nd class citizen Dhimmi - death last) should make that clear. 'The Golden Rule' 'nother one of those hateful teachings. Yeah, Christians, they're so evil !!


I can't think of ANY doctrine more ridiculous than "hate the sin--not the sinner".

I think Jesus was a great teacher! I just think his teachings have been hijacked by men who use religion to manipulate the masses.

Religion is a tool used by the frightened to manipulate the ignorant. I guess you would be in the latter there.

In the beginning, man created god in his own image, and in his image create he Him. And man saw it not, but for Christ's sake, he'd better start.


Wow you really are ignorant and dumb.

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"Terrorism in Chrisitianity more subtle?" How many people have been killed in the last 20 years in the name of Islam? How may in the name of Chrisitianity? It's greater than 10- 1 Islam to C's. I myself am an agnostic so I could care less what the hell people believe. I refuse to believe in anyone as the creator that would condemn the lives of billions just for not believing in them. There are other leaders that believed this: Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin.

That said, I believe that the overlapping recommendations in most broad-based belief systems are the most important and also the most difficult to follow: be a good person, do good things, shun jealousy, don't steal, etc. The problem is that people would rather do the 'easy' thing and say 'I believe', and God, or Allah, or Zoroaster, etc. would forgive them just simply forgive them for all of their sins just for believing. That would be like an employer saying, 'don't worry about doing your job, just believe that I'm a good boss and everything will be all right!". - YEAR RIGHT!!??


Let's not forget something... that the OP is, in all likelihood, 15 years old; that he has, in all likelihood, no job, nor job prospects; and in fact, in all likelihood, lives by the grace of his parents. That said, exactly what is it upon which this farcical argument is based?




Wrong. The number one persecutor of Christians in the world is Muslims. Literally every day you can find an Islamic suicide bomber, or terrorist killing innocent people in the name of Allah. I can count how many Christian terrorists attacks there were in an entire year on one hand.

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Do you have any understanding of reality or history???

We have those religious fanatics here as well.

What do you think those *beep* at Operation Rescue who bomb abortion clinics, assassinate doctors. What do you think those right wing militias who like to make statements by arming themselves for the next armageddon. What about Timothy McVeigh???

Religious fanaticism can be found anywhere among fundamentalist Jewish sects, islam, and yes even Christianity.

Any belief taken to the extreme where you deny others the free will to decide and think for themselves, and threatens individual respect for their choices are all alike.

So don't think that Christianity is removed from all of this.

I say this as someone who was raised a Christian seeing some really ugly things coming out of supposed "Christians".

Also do you realize that the Islamic Revolution in Iran occured because of the CIA??? We overthrew a legitimate government. And then to try and keep Iran contained. We kept funding Sadaam Hussein and Iraq. We played God with other nations.

And we try to be civilized??? What a freaking joke! Why do you think everyone outside the US has such a bad opinion of us?? Because we freaking condoned torture.

We invaded a country, and literally burnt it to the ground.

How would you like it seeing you family all killed. Foreign soldiers kicking down your doors of your own home???

People all over the world only want the same things, respect, the right to pursue happiness, to live without fear, food, water, stability.

Funny thing about humans, anytime that their survival is at threat, what do you think happens?

So why don't you get some education, before you make statements that are so freaking stupid.

You don't understand? then go travel and live outside your tiny little world, and get some culture and understanding. Go live in the hell hole that people live in Africa, in the Middle East, and then maybe you might get a TINY *beep* CLUE.

And FINALLY, NOT ALL AMERICANS ARE RACISTS MORONS, in that same vein, not all Islamic people are terrorists. So why don't you stop with the stereotypes.

God the stupidity in the country is just too much for me sometimes!

Do me favor and don't breed, you're only going to bring more small minded morons into the world. Our country doesn't need any more stupid people! We have too many as it is.


Don't even dignify this guy with a reply


No. I think people should reply to let him know he is in the minority because if they don't then those people he is bad mouthing will think that everyine is of the same opinion.

And when you search through history christians would have the bloodiest hands of all. Terrorists aren't always muslims and America isn't always right. I'm sure Timothy McVeigh wasn't a Muslim.

There are two things that start more wars than anything else and they are Religion and Politics. Let's drop both and get back to watching movies.


Cue the Muslim apologists

"Oh but Christians burnt witches in 1506 we are just as bad".

Makes me sick how some sell out their own culture so easily.

coinFlip roles for a minute......imagine OP was bashing would NEVER see a Muslim come into the thread and start saying 'Christianity is ok but we muslims are worse' etc etc.

Christianity got its act together 300 years ago. Unlike Islam.


Self loathing lemmings. They would be the FIRST to fall under the Islamic fundies sword but are to self absorbed and arrogant to realize this.
Had our country been populated by this ilk in the 40s, we'd be speaking German today.Traitorous, useful idiot lemmings.


dln1700 People who can think, such as sugar92, already know that they are in the minority. You proudly ignorant morons are safely in the vast (83%) majority of USAsians who are racist idiots who approve of the US attacking the whole world. Until GWB the US was OK but now you are *beep*



You write: not all Islamic people are terrorists.
That's right but most terroristic attacks in the world since, let's say ten years are caused by islamics!

You write: We have those religious fanatics here as well.
That's also right but I've never heard of christian fanatics killing moslems abroad or even here for religious reasons.

What YOU need to understand is, Islam is not only a religion but an ideology, in which people are incited by Fundamentalists to kill infidels.
Yes you and any other Christian are bugs for them.. they're going to crush you and if they can't get you they make a hell out of your life. How do you feel in an aircraft that carries muslims along with you?
HAve a nice day and get a life!



you got out of arguments so you insult me..well, I forgive you..


"...the total number of people killed as a result of the Iraq war" >>>>

WTF ?? Not even related...where do people come up with this crap ?? Oh, forgot...
Liberal fundy web sites populated by traitorous, self loathing lemmings.
We maybe able to counter the Mus. fundies with this lot should push come to shove. Now if we can only get them to put down the bongs and come up from their parents basements...


And you, keep flying...please !! Charles Darwin you magnificent b*st*rd !!


McVeigh was an athiest.


+1 sugar92


BRAV-beeping-O, sugar92. I couldn't have said it better myself! In fact, I tried. See my other post on this subject.


re: "What about Timothy McVeigh???"

Well, what about him ? Are you saying he was a Christian and committed his murderous deed in the name of 'Christianity' ?

Another dim wit who 'learns' from bs web sites.


"What do you think those *beep* at Operation Rescue who bomb abortion clinics, assassinate doctors. "

Yup. Happens every day. I was just commenting to a friend that it seems like you can't pick up the paper anymore without reading about another bombing/assassination.

Had enough self loathing yet ? Done spreading 1/2 truths ? Yeah, Christian Americans are the source of misery, pain and death world wide.
Get a freakin' clue.


with people like the original poster of this thread spewing ignorant hatred on the public internets for anyone to see... well, i'd hate us too. you're perpetuating the stereotype that the USA is filled with a bunch of ignorant, hateful, backwards people who look down on the rest of the world. of course we amurrcans know that's not true; it's only a handful of people like this thread's original poster creating a bad name for the lot of us - but it's a stereotype that exists nonetheless, just like the notion that all muslims are fundamentalists.

get out in the world more, find out for yourself that most people are generally good.


Islam is a religon so in a sense it breaks down to this :

Muslims = Christians/Jews/ any other religon

Fundamentalists = Extremeists/NAZI's hence terrorist

The extremeists are the enemy to the world, even their fellow muslims. to answer another question posted about flying with muslims?

I feel fine, I usually sleep no matter who I am next too, the food still stinks on airplanes and they never show any decent flicks.


i agree on all points except airline food. i've actually had some stuff recently i'd call even better than decent. :)


First off: Islam is not a race. Therefore, you're not a racist for hating Islam. Idiocy.

I used to be one of the sheep in the dark who supported Islam, and thought it morally inept to be against such a peaceful religion. You are all cowards...cowards and sheep.

Please do some research on the things you defend. It's not hard. A few quick google searches to quote some of the suras of the Qur'an:

3:85 “Whoever seeks other than Islam as his religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he will be with the losers” “Slay the idolators [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the last Day…. Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! (Sura 9:5,29,41).

Sura 4:89 “seize them and slay them wherever you find them: and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”

Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Sura 9:5)

9.123 “O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you”

9.73 “O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.”

“To participate in Jihad in Allah's cause” (Al Bukhari vol. 1:25)

Now, yes of course there are plenty of peaceful verses. The early suras of the Qur'an preach peace and love (and all the colors of the wind), because how else would Muhammad have gained so many followers? Also, Muhammad was a pedophile. That's not a made-up cheap insult either. The prophet Muhammad actually slept with a nine year old girl.

All religion should be abolished. Religion is poison...a plague on humanity and progression. Islam stands out as an exceptionally oppressive and intolerable religion. Oh well...when Islamic ideals enter western governments (which it will, at this rate) and you're women are not allowed to show their face, and you're not allowed to show any opposition to Muslim practices..maybe then you'll wake up.

69 20 6c 6f 76 65 20 79 6f 75


First off, Im not here to fight neither am I here to make ignorant comments.

I had to comment because u quoted from Quran and used it as an excuse to call all muslims or the whole religion an extremist religion. All the quotes u have posted are for the time of war. What else do u do in a war except for killing the opposition? Do u sit and watch or do u kill the enemy / take them captive?!

The verses of Quran have to be read considering the context like in any other book. If a book is talking about war, it wont be talking abt peaceful living.

When theres no war, the Quran specifically says, 'Taking one life is like killing the whole mankind."

Islam means peace and it teaches peace. If you want to quote Quran, understand the whole book first. Dont quote things u dont know about!



Those same passages can be found in both the old testament and the new testament. Everything you read must be taken in context.


For Constant peace there must be constant war. Its man's natural inclination to have an enemy, it has got nothing to do with Islam, before it was the Russians, communists, IRA etc. Its just the time of the Arabs now. This too will pass once the powers that be decide to focus on another enemy.


You = an uneducated twit!


The first Crusades were Islamic, they started about 630 years after the Christ.... I dont think they have changed much since then.

No religion is perfect... however some are less violent and more forthright.


I understand it was only say 60 years ago, a Christian country called Germany gassed 6 million Jews with assorted numbers of Gypsies, homosexuals etc.

Only a decade ago, another Christian country called Yugoslavia that wanted to exterminate all the Muslims. Some of these people are currently on war crime charges at the Hague.

Its that man again!!


Hmmmmm, no ! Germany was certainly NOT a Christian country during Hitlers reign.
Is this what public schools are teaching these days ??
Another example of how nations sink once Christianity is verboten. The minds of our nations youth have been hijacked by our enemies.

*Coincidentally, I'm listening to Chaplin do his Hitler speech on TCM right now.


Ironman54 you are wrong. Germany certainly was christian during Hitler's time. Hitler himself was a Catholic as was his allied country Italy.


First, you have to take the verses and surahs of the Qur'an in context to the verses before and after and the events occuring at the time of the revolations to the Prophet Muhammad.

Also, Muhammad entered into a marriage with Aisha when she was about nine, but they did not live together or consumate the marriage until much later. It was a marriage of alliance between two families. Aisha did become the Prophet's (after Khadijah) most influencial wife. She and the women who were followers of the Prophet and early Islam prayed WITH the men and taught the haiths and were acknowledged as equals amongst mankind. The problems of gender inequality came with tribal culture practices.

There is so much you could learn if you open your mind to it.




The ignorance on this board is staggering.

Like someone else said, all you're doing is further enforcing the stereotype of the dump, incredibly misinformed american.

Your hatefilled ignorance can't find it's place in the real world, so you come on the internet world to spew this ridiculous *beep*

*beep* you & *beep* your mother.

By the way, ya yank *beep*, do you knew how many muslims there are living in the USA right now? Atleast three million.

Imagine if all of them were *beep* terrorists, ya ignorant c*unt (censhorship, another lovely american quality).

"Too weird to live, and too rare to die..."


I think you`re is impossible to imagine that under the believers of "THe Religion Of Peace" one will terrorists..this is beyond imagination..never heard of that..
The biggest pest on earth is an ignorant, hatefilled, misinformed, dumb and stereotype American, that bashes his own culture like you do ..c*unt!


Killing abortion doctors, murders in the name of God worldwide, preaching the death of infidels, holy wars worldwide. please. Just don't lay this at the feet of Islam, Christianity is JUST as bad. The only difference between Islam and Christianity is that Christianity is predominantly in the Western world which does not permit Theocracies (Vatican City notwithstanding) so governments won't permit a Christian takeover. But look at the insane Christian Right rhetoric in the U.S. It is dangerous naivete that believes this is merely an Islam problem.


The Islam problematic is not only complex but sticky; we could ignore Muslims altogether –like we do with the Africans and others- if it weren’t for the fact that we have to be nice to some of them because we need their oil.

Imagine an apocalyptical catastrophe occurred to us today, and in a really short time most of who lived in the cities and who had any knowledge of putting things to work all died. And the only survivors were mainly hicks that didn’t know more than sheep & cousin shggng. The whole system would go down. The only thing they’d probably know about to rebuild a society was some Sunday school lessons.

That’s pretty much what happened in Persia and Arabia with the Mongol invasions of the 13th century, putting an end to the Islamic Golden Age (in our terms, the enlightenment period). The devastation that happen more than 700 years ago continues to have effects, mostly in the collective psychology of these cultures, very much as the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica in the 1500’s or the Norman invasion of England in 1066 AD. Mexicans are a people that still feel the stigma of conquest, although we’ve been independent for almost 200 years. In England the belief in nobility endures like nowhere else after the establishment of a conquering class way back then.

In short Muslims are experiencing their own dark age, and the more we may try to change them, the more they’ll stick to their guns (ideas). They see no need or use to separate religious from civil law. To top things up we toppled the Ottoman Empire that though undemocratic, had a more secular view of government, and we helped establish a Jewish state in Palestine (nothing against Jewish faith). Without mentioning the use of Middle East to fight a cold war.

Only thing we’ve done really is stir up the beehive. Nazism was triggered by hunger and ignorance, so it’s not hard to understand where hatred can come from. But remember though they deny it, most Germans followed the crowd.

So the question remains, are we going to help close the gap between their time and ours or are we going to make all Muslims that still don’t hate us Christians, do?


Islam is misogynistic. It's apparent in the Koran, the Hadith, Sharia law, Islamic culture and Islamic tradition. Before you reply negatively to this post, read the Koran and about the treatment of women and girls in the Muslim World.

Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?


One thing I noticed where ever this topic is broached, never a mention of The Hasidic movement here in the USA. We have several areas through out NYS where they have set up their villages. I have nothing to say about them one way or the other except I do know they have very strict beliefs and their treatment of women, while not as .... 'strict' as in the Islamic world, compared to the average American/American Jewsish male/female relationship, they are very old world. Woman have to walk behind men, woman aren't allowed to touch their males etc.
I know this because I used to date a dental hygienist who worked for a dentist who had a large Hasidic patient roster. The office 'rule' was that she was not allowed to work on Hasidic boys/men. She learned this the hard way once when she was alone in the treatment room with a Hasidic boy who was sitting in the chair waiting for the dentist to come in. The boys father entered the room, saw her and presumed she was about to work in his mouth. He made it known, in no uncertain terms, that she was NOT to touch his son !! I encouraged her to quit - which she did. No woman should subject herself to that kind of treatment. And it was because she was considered 'unclean' !! What an insult !! You can smell these guys from 5' away (hey, their choice, don't shoot the messenger,it just happens to be a fact) and they had the nerve to say she, the loveliest, cleaner than clean woman I'd ever met, that she wasn't clean enough to touch his son ! But for some reason it seems only the Muslims get this rap.
I feel this needed to be pointed out/known - not knocking anyone's beliefs/traditions but fair is fair and it seems very few people are aware that its not just Muslims. And if a white Euro centric American male/WASP/"Red Neck' etc., were to treat an American woman in this manner, G_d help that man !! He'd be sued, arrested, fired, pilloried, tarred and feathered...etc., etc.
Not advocating this treatment in any shape or form, just sayin' !!
