MovieChat Forums > The Kingdom (2007) Discussion > Why not just tackle the boy? Spoliers

Why not just tackle the boy? Spoliers

At the end of the movie after the teenager shoots the Arab police officer his gun jams and he tries to clear it. Why didn't Jamie Foxx just tackle him after he came running back into the room? I mean his teen was pointed at the floor and the other agent already had her gun on the teen.


Plus why on earth did garners character try and save him? Personally after what he had just done I would have put another round in his head to finish him off!


Bullets are faster.


they didn't shoot him until he pointed the gun at someone. His gun was jammed and aimed at the floor. Someone could have tackled him instead of just pointing their guns at him.


You need a cool head to recognize someone has a jammed gun and ascertain it's safe to tackle them.

The crew in the film weren't experienced gunfighters (even though they acted like it). But if what you say is true it does seem like a pretty big inconsistency in their gun-fighting ability.

Probably all they had done was alot of training and had never actually been in combat. Hadn't killed or tackled anyone either.

In very high crime areas Brazil, Argentina and Moscow, the cops there would probably tackle alot of people with guns, sometimes it's the faster and safer option than shooting someone. But in places with less crime like first wold countries, police and such don't have the confidence to do that and instead just shoot first. The introduction of the tazer was no doubt due to police shooting and killing so many people when all they had was a knife or they got into a hand to hand fight with a cop or were just pointing a pistol with no intention of firing it.

Also considering the kid was firing a pistol and the crew had bulletproof vests on, tackling, kicking his face in or gun away would have been my first instinct. 80% of gunshot wounds are non lethal.

I wouldn't think too hard on it, the film is mainly an action film.


What aload of nonsense: tackle someone with a gun in high crime areas? In these sorts of places criminals are far more likely to use their weapons hence law enforcement agencies will often use their firearms. Tazers have been slowly introduced to UK police because all officers are routinely supplied with is a baton and cs spray!




I agree, but I still think that more experienced cops in high crime areas (not the U.S) regularly tackle people with guns. Sounds stupid, but what I think usually happens is the criminal thinks about pulling a pistol but the cop recognizing that he's armed and that he might pull a weapon, tackles him to the ground then cuffs him.

He doesn't see a person pull a pistol and then pull his own pistol. Instead he is positioned at a distance where if a criminal even thinks about pulling a weapon, he'll get tackled.

That's the main problem with the scene where they confront the old guy. Although they have CQB gun-fighting skills seems they lack commonsense which comes from experience dealing with violent offenders. They should have been much more aggressive and had them facing the floor within seconds, unconscious if necessary. While the other guy would have cleared the room. Instead they just stand around.

Also I'm pretty sure Fox and the older guy were ex-military, they used those hand signals. Considering Garner was a close knit member of the group and probably a close friend, she would have been trained by Foxx or shared similar interests and sought out similar training in the civilian world. That stabbing she does with the knife is taught in the military, up into the groin and then later she goes for the heart. The back of the head stab though I doubt is taught in the military, but I guess it makes sense.


Screw that.... they shoulda grabbed the shotgun and blew him away in the face point blank. Then put another in there for good measure to blow his brains all over his stupid momma and grandaddy!


I would have shot the basterd myself, then T-bagged him. Then if garner tried Savin him I'd have given her a dry one....
