A few offensive things in this movie.
And Im not talking about the depictions of muslims in general, as I thought they did it quite well and with respect, I just thought that movies had moved on from showing americans as the all knowing powerful bad assess.
Two things really that annoyed me was, the investigation not really heading anywhere until the great americans where finally given the go ahead to take over (how patronising) and the only guy to die out of the group just so happened to be the arab guy.
I also thought the dual line at the end seemed a bit forced, although I do get the point they where trying to make and had to finish the film on a profound note, but i dunno I just didnt take to it, fair dues if you thought it was poetic but it wasnt for me. Actually thinking about it, it wouldnt seem like Foxx would be the kind of man to say such a thing even when his two colleagues had died, as seen when the grieving father wanted to blame the saudi security officers for the initial attack, I dunno I just had the feeling Foxxes character was more respectful of the people and new that the whole conflict wasnt just as simple as us vs them.