I don't care what your religion is, the laws in Saudi Arabia are inhumane, especially towards women. And in the Olympics that have no women competing. What a medieval way of living life. Potentially wonderful minds are wasted in the country.
I have been to your country in 1997 , it is Horrible, women all covered , they are not allowed to drive, the whole country is controled by muslim fundemantalists who hate every thing, no movie theaters, no entertainment, All Rules rules rules !!!!!!!!!
i have been to dubai though, it's sooooooo nice , as far as you move a way from islam, your country is better
You dont know what Islam is. This is clear because you think that because we (the UAE) allow women to drive, have movie theatres, give women the choice to wear hyjab etc etc, that makes us 'less-Islamic.' Fail.
I admit, we are quite liberal here, but you have to understand that there is a difference between cultural Islam and real Islam. And the UAE will always be an Islamic country.
‹(•¿•)› If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
I admit, we are quite liberal here, but you have to understand that there is a difference between cultural Islam and real Islam. And the UAE will always be an Islamic country.
What is the difference between “cultural Islam” and “real Islam”? How do you tell the difference? Is there a litmus test? Is there a check list of items? I really don’t know.
Interesting. I have lived here all my life and the older I get the more convinced I become that this is the only place for me. As far as movie theatres are concerned, home cinema is growing in popularity and the latest DVD releases are available off-the-shelf. The popular attitude towards women driving has changed course in the past few years and it is now a question of when, not if. Personally I would be concerned about the sudden introduction of a new motorist community into a traffic situation that is chaotic to begin with. Over the years I have come to describe my country as thus: Saudi Arabia, a great place to live in but you would not want to visit.
I lived in Saudi (mostly Riyadh, but also Jeddah) for 2 years; Those who have never visited and don't understand the Islamic culture will always struggle trying to understand the country. I'm a catholic, and altho I struggled with some issues; overall I found the country a beautiful cultured place with a native population a lot happier than their counterparts in the US.
KSA kills no more inoocent people in any given year than the US; as for human rights; well, there are about 75 countries right now that are on the UN list of violating human rights...including the US' #1 trading partner China..
>>> Agreed, and WE in America are the worst. We pass judgment, invade an innocent country and still don't get oil. I want 2 cent gas!!!!
"Innocent country". Troubling words to describe a man who was responsible for the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen.
Middle eastern countries are ruled by men who are far from "innocent". Witness the anti-government mass protests occurring in several middle eastern countries over the past 15 months: Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya. And in Iran in 2009. Do you feel that the leaders of those countries are "innocent"? Have you read of the lack of everyday freedoms that millions of people in middle eastern countries experience?
Women tend to be better drivers (see insurance stats), so if driving situation is "chaotic", prohibit men from driving and have the women take them places. I think the men would like it, it would be so much less stressful on them (men are easily stressed).
2 Did you ever think that Saudi Arabia has 2 of the holiest sites in Islam and that they should follow Islamic laws because of that Saudi Arabias started with Islam and will stay with Islam
Dubai I know it is beautiful but you cant compare the two
I have been to Saudi Arabia--- found the people to be exceptionally gracious hosts, polite, the country clean and modern. I pass no judgment on the culture (and it is more cultural than religious). Everyone I know from KSA is highly educated-- in the US or UK--- and they chose to return to Saudi Arabia to live. That tells me something. The other irony behind most of the ignorant posts about the nation: Saudi Arabia is one of the most pro-USA nations in the region.
Is your opinion based on personal experience? Have you been to my country?
I’ve never been to Saudi Arabia. I’m an American and non religious. How am I suppose to get a tourist visa? They don’t given them to people like me. Why not?
Although a tourist visa is not listed among the consular services, to my understanding it is possible to apply for one. But I don't know what the exact procedure is. Here's the URL:
Saudi Arabia does not have religious freedom. As a Christian if I wear a cross or walk in public with a Bible I would be arrested! That is barbaric intolerance! This is 2011 not 1011. Any Muslim in America can wear burqa, hijab, etc. so it is only fair we Christians can wear our symbols in Muslim countries! And in America you can preach about Jesus to Muslims (and they are free to preach about Mohammed to us), but in Saudi Arabia I cannot do this it is a crime, also if Muslim becomes a Christian in Saudi Arabia they will face severe punishment. How can you defend such horrible lack of human rights!? SHAME ON SAUDI ARABIA!
Much of what you say is true. But the situation is more complex than how you put it. I invite you to explore the country and culture more and if your sources of information include Fox News I strongly suggest finding more reliable sources. Here are some suggestions:
I agree that there are many disgusting, horrible, and inhumane problems with the country. I have personally been to the country and can tell you that it is WORSE than what you see and hear about it in the media.
If you are working as a housemaid there you can get raped by your employee, sent to jail for it, face physical punishment including lashes and beatings, and then get sent back to your home country.
I live in Dhahran, and I don't see anything wrong with Saudi Arabia. Yes, we may be a bit behind on some rules, that's why it's called a developing country.
You're "housemaid" example can happen everywhere, even in the U.S.
There are disgusting, horrible, and inhumane things that happen in EVERY country. I hate it when people think that the Middle East is the centre of "evil"...
What about the Grandmother who was just sent for 40 lashings today for the 'oh so terrible crime' of speaking to an unmarried man.
Your biased to Saudi Arabia because you live there. But the fact that you say things like 'any day no women will be able to drive' just shows how backward your country is.
Believe me, Saudi is the backwater of the world and if it were not for oil money it would be worse than Somalia.
I haver a muslim friend, he goes clubbing, doesnt drink though, goes to Mosque, has christian friends, doesnt eat bacon though but is easy going.
His sister doesnt wear the bedsheets and dresses normally. I even see her legs! (im being sarcastic).
What is wrong with them? They are spiritual but still normal.
As someone pointed out, there is a difference between cultural Islam and religious Islam. Anyone can twist any religion to fit their needs. It is not an Islamic thing or all Islamic countries would have the same rules as Saudi Arabia. It has to do with not understanding the value of women. Women not being able to drive, women needed permission from their husbands to leave the country, women not being able to walk around without a man, I am sorry but that is very ignorant and not acceptable.
I don't want to ban anyone's right to practising personal beliefs and building churches and mosques and temples for that religious community. But it's gotten to a point now where we can no longer tolerate the intolerant. It's still infecting every level of our infrastructure from lawmakers to the education system, in a world where the weapons technology no longer permits such irrationality, and if people really believe in liberal values - free expression; equal rights for women, gays, racial minorities; respect for the scientific method - then it's going to mean putting our money where our mouth is and killing for it. I'd rather not have to advocate that our armies go to places like Afghanistan and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or Israel, but changing their regimes is not some kind of hangover from British imperialism or Soviet Communism, as the Islamic world would have us believe. Rather, it's simply became a matter of self defence.
If there is a glimmer of hope to offset the ticking timebomb of a theocracy sparking a nuclear holocaust, it's the rise of secular and atheistic protest of the younger generations, not just seen in Western democracies exhausted by the abuses and disinformation of the Catholic Church or the slimy intersection of Protestantism and conservative politics, but also with the recent Iranian outrage after those farcical election results, or the criminally under-promoted RAWA (The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan). We are starting to see a new generation of people in the Middle East who realise all too well, just how transparent a government basing its laws on Bronze Age texts really is.
Saudi Arabia isn't all that bad. The Wahhabis are a little "over the top" in my opinion, but the Saudis as a whole are no worse than any other conservative society.
You will always have your religious extremists no matter where you go, and KSA is no different.
I spent several months there a little while ago and had a chance to speak with residents of KSA, translators, TCNs, and of course other Americans. TBH, I will not go back if I have anything to say about it, but it wasn't really all that bad.
I do not really know all that much about KSA, but my experience there is the majority of those who live there are stand up people.
The only thing I'll say is the Saudi government needs to relax a little and concede that people deserve to make their own choices concerning religion and lifestyle. The Saudi government maintains the country is 100% Islamic and there are VERY serious consequences for practicing otherwise. For example, in August of 2008, a young woman was burned to death after having her tongue cut out for converting to Christianity. To be frank, I do not agree with the punishment that is carried out for much of the crimes there.
Having the Mutaween running around monitoring the people for crimes against religion is also what I would consider to be beyond the scope of normal. To my knowledge, there is no other religion in the world, and maybe even place in the world where this type of religious persecution is going on.
Now, let me make it clear that I have not done a lot of researching on this, but rather am primarily going off of my experiences. So, if anyone out there wants to correct me, feel free to do so (constructively!).
For example, in August of 2008, a young woman was burned to death after having her tongue cut out for converting to Christianity.
Such an incident would not go unnoticed here, but I've never heard about it. There is no such sentence in the Shari'a penal code. A Muslim believes that fire as punishment is the exclusive reserve of the Almighty Himself. Could you cite sources I can check?
]The Saudi government maintains the country is 100% Islamic and there are VERY serious consequences for practicing otherwise. For example, in August of 2008, a young woman was burned to death after having her tongue cut out for converting to Christianity. To be frank, I do not agree with the punishment that is carried out for much of the crimes there.
To be frank I don’t understand you at all. How can you write of such an atrocity and not be horrified? How can you say that Saudi Arabia isn’t all that bad with such things happening?
I love how high and mighty we north Americans think we are....
Lets see, a little over a hundred years ago...women were not allowed to vote...and all of the horrible things that you think are happening in the middle east...you dont think that stuff happened as well...not to mention...only 60 years ago...how were blacks treated...open your eyes...we as a human race is flawed...but none of us are better than another...which is the basis of most of the religions out there...give it some time...every generation becomes a little more open than the last...but some countries got a late start...just be happy that changes are coming...instead of beating down a culture, how about beat down the bad parts and celebrate the good...etc etc...
OK, here's the deal. Saudi Arabia IS an incredibly backwards country with an archaic legal system and a repressed atmosphere.
That's the view of someone who believes in human rights, sexual equality and freedom.
Responses that don't cut the mustard with me and that I find to be total BS -You haven't been so you don't know -Every country has problems -Your country was like blah blah blah 200 years ago -Its a different culture, you don't understand unless you're from there -What makes your opinion right?
That's all complete and utter cliched crap and means NOTHING to me. If your country kills you if you change religion, or you get arrested for speaking to someone of the opposite sex OR you're forced to cover all your flesh as a woman, then your country has officially FAILED.