Jason Bateman did an amazing job...
...as Adam Leavitt. He never stopped fighting back while his captors were beating him, he saved his life by kicking over the camera and delaying the video, when Mayes arrived he was still fighting even though he was tied up, and he helped her put down the last terrorist. Definitely the stuff of an action hero, but when the blade was at his throat, you could see how completely terrified he was. I especially like the way he just followed behind the others after he was rescued and then sank to the floor in shock. That was very poignant. This sort of scenario usually plays out with the rescued team member grabbing a gun and going right back into action like nothing happened. Seeing someone actually traumatized by such a terrible event was much more realistic. I also liked the "Are you kidding me?" look he gave Jamie Foxx when he asked if he was all right. I saw this movie the year it came out and that scene really stayed with me. Seeing it again, after what happened to Nick Berg and James Foley and far too many others, it's almost too realistic.