The school posters *spoilers*
When the older daughter is asking her daddy which poster is better, the 'Meat is Murder', or the 'omg dont eat meat!' (paraphrasing of course), I couldn't help but wonder about that school she belongs to.
Since we're lagging behind everyone besides Sudan (im guessing on that one), would it be too much trouble to just teach those little sheep the basics like Math, Science, and Language, rather than how to become a good little vegan who MUST preach the gospel to everyone?
We get hit over the head with it by mom with the 'OMG no MEAT!' rant on the way to the car as dad is picking up his children, I think we've got it! You can stop preaching now!
I just felt sorry for the kids.
I know the lunacy never ends in public schools these days, but I hope this is just a movie and not based on anything real.
I guess they fit it in between the diversity training, homosexual acceptance studies, and white privilege seminars.