Why dont they just destror the box or burn it?
It makes no sense.
shareWell, in the first scene you see a woman about to attack it with a hammer and it killed her, so I guess the demon within wouldn't let you destroy it, but hold on, it wants to get out, so why not let her break it so it can escape? But hold on again, if it can exert those sort of powers beyond the box then why not break it open for itself? But hold on one more time, once the box is opened, it lets anybody and everybody poke around inside and even take it miles away from its new host. It's a pretty careless demon! But then the mirror in the lid can be broken and it'll still contain the demon once it's shut back inside. What was the point of the mirror then? Sense? What sense?
...it's just another dumb film, get over it.
I do agree, why would the demon not want the box broken? That scene was great but the spirit probably should have been reacting for some different reason than that so that they could maintain a logic within the story.
Ignoring that, I'm guessing the box, if damaged, could not contain the demon, we actually discussed how to safely encase the box, dig a very deep hole in the desert, lay concrete over it, and then the earth/sand over that. The ocean's pressure was the factor in disposing it deep in the Atlantic. A demon in a box poses many problems no matter how you try to safe-keep it.
It also seemed that, once it attached to the girl, it really didn't matter if the contents were messed with by othes, they were placed to bind the demon to the box anyway.
I still liked this movie, it had some interesting lighting, lots of symmetry (I'd be interested to know why), minimalistic scenes, did not rely on "the kill", good atmosphere and mood - sort of melancholy and haunting. The acting was pretty decent, for the most part, the girls were good - seems like kids often ruin a movie bc they aren't expected to act; dad was great; mom was overly demonized (lol) and a pretty shallow character but for horror, it definitely beats most.
It's argument you'll never win because demons don't exist, so writers can provide them with any power they like. But as it can be contained in a box, it must have a physical presence beyond a spiritual one, hence it can be harmed, if not destroyed, by physical means, eg it could be fired into the sun, or deep into space, or dropped into a volcano - but you can bet your last penny it'll survive any physical harm because otherwise, you can't have a sequel!
How did they get it into the box anyhow, a trail of smarties?
...it's just another dumb film, get over it.
Of course the rules can be any way they want, in Evil Dead they were strangely complicated but you knew them from the text of the book. In this movie, seemed like they command the demon in, the power to keep it in is through the meaningful objects placed inside. The way to let it out is to physically open the box from some exterior means. So the only reality of that world that was broken was the demon having powers extending outside the box if it was sealed within unless there is a proximity rule that we don't know about. Therefore, scene one is a problem, likely is the last scene is in which we infer the box caused the accident (or maybe not?).
As for the definition of what a demon is in this movie, whether it is material or has mystical woo energy that is not matter - who knows! A spirit apparently can be kept in a special spirit box, lol.
Leaving the ending open to a sequel could still have been done within the implied rules of the story - maybe the crash was not supernatural in which case it does not create a problem (other than a lazy sequel like Sinister 2 which is such a shame).
I may not believe in supernatural anything but I do expect for writers to play by their own rules so that is my only complaint. I still liked it.
whether it is material or has mystical woo energy that is not matter... [it] apparently can be kept in a special spirit box, lol.
The demon was forced back in after inhabiting the father for a brief period. The box was taken by the young Hassidic Jew to safely store the thing somewhere but as he reached the intersection a semi smashed his car and the box was tossed to the road, unscathed and mumbling...
shareYour title doesn't make much sense destror you mean destroy or destroyer learn to spell.
Hey buddy if your going to catch people out on spelling mistakes don't make them yourself
"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"
People in glass houses... etc.
He that is without sin... etc.
Ever heard, bottleshock34, of punctuation?
Just saying.