MovieChat Forums > The Possession (2012) Discussion > The Rabbi son, Tzadok, looked like..

The Rabbi son, Tzadok, looked like..

Not gonna lie, I thought it was Shia LeBeouf for a minute and had to look it up because I couldn't imagine he would take such a role. It wasn't him of course, but I can't be the only one who saw the resemblance, right?
Regarding the movie itself, it wasn't too bad but it could've been a lot better. The elements were there, it just wasn't really... executed very well, I guess..


I didn't see a resemblance but I didn't really pay that much attention. Cool character though and I was gutted when he died when hit by the lorry.


Yeah I wish he had survived instead of getting crushed by that truck at the end

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
