Interestingly enough, for boys they seem to be depicted as the epitome of evil though or at least in a few stories.
The most prominent one I can remember is The Omen. Another one, although not supernatural, The Good Son. Children of the Corn has a teenage boy leading the way.
There aren't much, but there does seem to be a separation as to how boys and girls are affected in horror films.
I don't know who you're responding too, but if you're responding to me, then you didn't read my post right.
I said "interestingly enough it's boys who are depicted as the epitome of evil" as opposed to girls who are possessed.
Examples, "The Omen", Damien isn't possessed, he IS evil. Another example, "The Good Son", where Macauley Culkin isn't possessed, but he acts out in malicious and evil ways.
Never did I say any of those BOYS were possessed, but I did say they ARE evil.
What about The Ring, The Orphan, and Insidious? In Insidious the possessor was a woman (the evil) and was possessing a little boy. Girls are depicted as evil in horror movies just about as much as boys... perhaps more often actually, as the demon doing the possessing or haunting usually seems to be female. A bit deluded you are.
I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.
I disregard Orphan, I'm guessing you meant Orphan instead of the 1979 movie "The Orphan" which is about a guy if I'm not mistaken. The reason I disregard Orphan because of 1 reason: The general story appears similar to "The Good Son" and here you just have a female version of that.
Now I never said that girls were never "evil", but in movies in general girls are more the "affected by evil" whereas one or more of the guys in the film ARE "inherently evil".
Now if I"m deluded, and you actually say "girls" or women (are you talking about all females in general or "girls" as in young girls because the movies I stated had young to teenage boys no real evil adults in that movie as the main epitome of evil) are more often the demon doing the possessing or haunting, then unfortunately, just in the case of horror movies (unless you want to bring in non-horror movies), here are the counter arguments to your "girls are depicted as evil in horror movies just about as much as boys...perhaps more often actually"
- Nightmare on Elm Street series and remake (pure evil Freddy) - Friday the 13th series(Zombie however he used to be a guy, Jason Vorhees, his mom wasn't evil just got emotionally wrecked after what happened to her son) - Halloween series (Michael Myers...Nuff said) - SAW series (and I'm talking about the one who started everything although I don't consider him pure evil, just morally twisted) - Child's Play series or "Chuckie" series(Charles Lee Ray... and why are we remaking this series? why?) - Leprechaun series (proof he's a guy, he was looking for his bride in part 2) - Last House on the Left (who was the sick b*****d who orchestrated and had no remorse? the guy. talk about pure evil in the non supernatural sense) - Any Dracula movie - Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde - Frakenstein and his monster - Hellraiser (Pinhead) - Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal Lecter) etc.
Now I'll leave it at that because I'm sure you can come up with a number of movies to match that, but if you want to get technical, main stars in movies like these have been men in the beginning so there are still long ways to go for women to catch up and be "the evil and no the one possessed" and at the moment guys are still behind in "being possessed more than actually being the pure evil."
Even that's debatable about Damien because the first film on its own terms is very unclear whether Damien is the spawn of Satan. We never see the actual birth, the "666" on Damien's scalp could be a coincidental birthmark, the strange deaths the occur around him could just be more coincidences. The only craziness we see is the paranoia exhibited by the adult characters who think they're on to something supernaturally sinister. Even the priest and the creepy nanny might have formed a crazy cult around the boy for no apparent reason other than they were mental.
It was the sequels that (although entertaining) ruined the ambiguity of the first film and hammered the notion that Damien was the anti-christ. But I wrote a long piece a few years ago about how Damien might have been led to believe his own propaganda that he was the son of Satan and consequently became crazy himself -
I remember when that movie came out. He was born of a jackal. He was the anti-Christ, the son of Satan. This was established firmly in that first movie. It wasn't the case that there was ANY question as to who he was in terms of being the spawn of Satan.
Does that make god the anti-Satan? Oh no look god is satan. Ridiculous crap the bible and all it's fictional characters like satan, god and jesus. It was written about 400 years after this guy was supposed to have existed. No historical account exists of him written at the time of his 33 year life. Oh 33 masonic number, (3+3)+(3+3)+(3+3)=666==18=9 6x6x6=216=9 and so on...upside down 6 is 9. 33x33x33=35937=27=9
--- Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
Hmmmm - certainly not my experience, as someone who was once a teenager and generally perceived as being a boy. I was the sweet and good one, as were most of my 'male' friends - my female friends and my sister, on the other hand, acted possessed and evil. Mind you, I actually WAS evil, but privately... :)
Because the Exorcist scared the *beep* out of everyone with a young girl. Plus the thought of a little girl being possessed is just scarier than a little boy.
I always thought it was the devil was a pervert. And getting into little girls is the best way for him to show that because they are weaker and innocent.
Excellent question! I think females are weaker with self-confidence and all. Where the males are most confident and evil looks for the weak in humans. Easy to possess and control. And more men are evil in some cases, just look at all these criminals! More than half are men not females. Government is males running the country, evil already exist in some males already, all over the world!
"More than half are men not females." Amazing how statistics works right? I mean, if the number was 51% were males and 49% were females it'd still be "more than half!"
Of course... even if the percentages are higher, you only proved that women are better at not getting caught! Or perhaps the "men in control" do not wish to spoil the image of the pure woman; so they do not publicize the many crimes being committed by women!
Heck, with all the female rapists making men feel scared to go out at night... I'd think it is women who are the EVIL ones.
You are very stupid and irrational, Crentapa. Men murder, steal, and commit sex crimes almost 10 times as often as women. How can you possibly defend and try to justify their stats and somehow conclude that it means women are more evil? You are truly deluded and just plain nutty.
I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.
There was actually an Exorcist movie that did end with a boy being possessed. When Exorcist: The Beginning came out, there was another film, by Paul Schrader, using the same cast but 10 times better. This film was called Exorcist: Dominion.
You forgot the number 1 rule about remakes: don't **** with the original!
Because young girls are generally seen as pure and innocent, moreso than boys. It makes the perversion of demonic possession all the more jarring that way.
Thank you for this true and non-sexist answer. What the f@ck is up with all that "males are more confident, women are more mentally vulnerable" bullsh!t? Are you kidding me?
On the contrary, I feel his post was the actual sexist one and the confidence ones are the true ones. Men are more confident than women, fact. And when I was a boy growing up I was probably more pure and innocent than 99.9% of the girls my age.
How is that a fact? Where confident kids are concerned, seems about 50/50 boys/girls. But maybe you lived in some small religious town where girls were encouraged to keep their heads down... but then you go on to say that 99% of girls you grew up with were less innocent than you, whatever that means, so it can't be that...
I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.
Because young girls are generally seen as pure and innocent, moreso than boys. It makes the perversion of demonic possession all the more jarring that way.
"They're all dead.....they just don't know it yet." - Eric Draven
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