David Cronenberg's ideas

I read some Cronenberg interview about four years ago when this film was in limbo and he said he had been interested making it but when he told his ideas to producers they didn't like them at all. So does anyone know what kind of ideas he had?


That's the difference between a hit and miss.

Cronenberg would've made this film a hit. Stupid producers.

-We are all of us in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars


im interested in more info on Cronenbergs BI2 as well..

can you imagine a Cronenberg BI!!. potentially a rival to Verhoevens original . like a Alien/Aliens type thing

doubt itd have starred David Morrissey as the male lead either. more likely MDouglas wouldve wanted to come back (or at least itd been Viggo Mortensen)
