MovieChat Forums > Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Discussion > Urm this movie is horrendously underrate...

Urm this movie is horrendously underrated

I had EXTREMELY low expectations for the film based on many critics reviews and the stupidly low rating on IMDB. However,this film is hardly the disaster it was billed as! It is a clever film,which kept me going the whole way through. The acting isnt the best but Morrisey and Thewlis did reasonable jobs.

It does slightly disgust me that films like this are just there to be hated. Another example would be Jersey Girl,only hated because it has ben affleck and jennifer lopez(who is in the film like 5 minutes). The sad fact is that alot of people who have voted this movie a 1 have not even seen it and given it a chance. It has just been written off as a terrible movie which it is not!

At times the movie world frustrates me...


I very much agree. Madonna and Sharon Stone have never been given their just rewards. Take for example, Madonna is always lambasted as a bad actress but I challenge anyone to find one of her characters that is identical to the other. Every role she plays is different, every character very different than the other. Regardless of whether you like her choices or style (or her) is entirely a different matter. Same for Stone. At 50 they are two of the hottest, sexiest female stars in Hollywood. Period. Haters be dammed. When someone criticizes Madonna or Stone but turns right around and says they like Jack Nicholson, Harrison Ford, Ton Cruise or any other male actor that has been playing one character for 20 + years I laugh in their faces.


Jack Nicholson is very versatile...


Really? Please explain to me how his role in One Flew Over The Cuckoos' Nest is any different then his performances in The Shining, Terms of Endearment, As Good as It Gets, the Bucket List or any of his other films. He is one note, period. Varying degrees of a psychotic original personality do not make a great actor.


Right. This is gonna be a long post...

In Easy Rider, he played an alcoholic lawyer who finds himself dissolusioned(spelt wrong) with America and the country it has become. His performance was not one note at all,his last talk about how America has become a bad country is bad acting.

In Chinatown, he plays a wise cracking but polite P.I who throughout the film is haunted by an incident when he was a cop. VERY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS.

In One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, he plays a man horrified by how the patients are treated in the mental institution and he fights back against the regime. This performance is not regarded as one of the best of all time for nothing...

In The Shining, he plays Jack Torrance a man who just wants a normal life but ends up being haunted by the hotel,sending him into insanity.

Cant be bothered to go through his countless other different performances but I suggest you watch Ironweed,The Departed,A Few Good Men,About Schmidt,Five Easy Pieces,Reds before you start calling him a one note actor.

But hey this aint a debate about Jack Nicholson! Moving on...


I was very much looking forward to "Basic Instinct 2" as directed by David Cronenberg. When that did not come to be, I had faint hope for the project. But, having watched it, I must say it wasn't the disaster many claimed. It wasn't as good as the 1st but few films are that sensational.


I disagree with all of you. I read these type of comments and when I didn't get the chance to see this movie in the movie theather I bought a copy. I was embarrassed of myslef for buying it. I used to be a big Sharon Stone fan and always defended her. After watching this I no longer viewed Sharon as sexy. And after watching this I became sick of her. The story was boring and in this movie she was way over the top. This movie was as bad as billed if not worse. Actually I was looking to sell this dvd but now with it in the $5 bin at Walmart (only a few months after its release) I would be lucky to get $1 for it. Sharon was not sexy in this movie she was a sleazy embarrassment. No when I look at her that is what I feel about Sharon Stone. She should've let this character end after the first one. Basic Instinct 3 will never get made beause it would bomb even worse than the first one. Maybe they should wait til she is 60 years old and make would be more comical than the sequel.


I agree, sure it wasn't even close to be as good as the first one but it was quite good for a sequel. As for Jersey Girl, I love everything Smith has ever made and I damn the haters for bashing this movie. This is actually one of the few romantic comedies that are somewhat good.

x-men 4 script:


Yeah this movie was pretty good. Stone isn't quite as hot as she was in the oringinal but that didn't bother me.


Cronenberg is a fantastic director. Stone wasn't on the same page with him as to how the material and her charactor should be handled so the film never happened. This board would certainly look a lot different if it had. And the reviews wouldn't have been nearly as savage.

"There's my buttercup!"


I also had low expectations because the majority of negative comments. But this movie wasn't that bad, it's just a regular thriller (not amazing, but it's fine). Take a look at the avarege rating (3.8)... most users rated this movie as 1 of 10, just because ins't exactly what they expected.

Well, maybe the main problem is that the character Kevis Franks isn't interesting as Nick Curran from the original, nor Stan Collymore is a better actor than Michael Douglas. Apart from this, Basic Instinct 2 was OK.

By the way, if Sharon Stone's wish was to show that she still sexy, then I give her a resounding 10 of 10.

The first casualty of war is innocence.


Agreed. 3.8 is way too low, it's certainly not that bad. I gave it 6/10.


exactly..its nowhere near terrible. i was biginning to think that i am the only person o this boards who did like this movie..a LOT actualy. and 3,8..come on i just dont get it..i gave it 8 which may be overrated but i did it to prove a point:)


Yeah I'm wondering too if I saw the same film as most of the people.
I was pleasantly surprised. The leading actor wasn't as charismatic as michael douglas, but the plot was fantastic - even cleverer than in Basic Instinct 1.
