MovieChat Forums > Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Discussion > What exactly is new in the unrated versi...

What exactly is new in the unrated version?

I'm thinking of getting the Blu-ray for this, but I'm a little hesitant, as it's the R-rated version only. I am aware that the unrated version of this is of the type where something totally inconsequential is changed just so that they can slap "UNRATED" on the package...but I'm still wondering what the difference actually is. The most specific description I've found here is "one new scene, and several other scenes extended for a few seconds."

So, anyone know which scene is the entirely new one? I'd hate to spend a zillion dollars on the high-def release, only to find that the scene and/or line of dialogue that made me laugh the hardest was in the "unrated" portion.


1 brief sex scene is added, other sex scenes are a tad longer; a few unmemorable deleted scenes are chucked in... it really isn't a lot different from the theatrical cut.


I hear they are coming out with a previously unreleased version of the film that includes never before seen features like 'plot', 'suspense' and 'acting'. They have also digitally replace Sharon Stone with Lara Croft.

Christmas 2008. Boo-yah.



But still, I wouldn't trade this movie for anything. It's not a perfect symphony of unintentional laughter and embarrassment, but it's close...and as Roger Ebert said, Stone doesn't act this stuff well, but it would be impossible to do it anyway and she gives this the best bad acting it could get.


only reason to buy this is if you wanna look less creepy but still have a good movie to masturbate to....

Its not rape if she doesn't know about it.
