MovieChat Forums > Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Discussion > what a waste of good actors

what a waste of good actors

I'm thinking of David Morrisey and David Thewlis - both more than capable of turning in some above the line performances, but something about this film - not sure if it's the script, production, direction or what, but something - renders their performances, well, perfunctory.

It's like the couldn't be bothered, and bizarrely, at times their performances seemed so forced that they even sounded like they were trying to sound English and failing, even though they actually are English.

It's a really oddly rubbish film - a real TV movie feel to it. Lame. 3/10 from me


Well what I heard from Thewlis, is he just wanted to make another movie real quick before his daughter was born. Don't know how true that is, but.

Guilty pleasure of mine, but I agree this movie could have been done so much better. I thought Sharon was still beautiful in it.

I watched them both last night and you could really see the difference in quality.



Well that certainly fits with what I thought - just turning the performance in with no real engagement. Fair enough in a way I guess, I suppose he has to pay the bills same as anyone else, but he's going to have to live with that on his CV... He might not care about that - but still a lame film. (I'm not going in to my guilty pleasures...)
