If Hannabal lector met Kathleen Tremell
What would happen
shareApart from Lector complaining that her leathery ass is overaged and too tough to munch on, oh wait we're talking about the character not the actress, whoops!
Um, well lets see he'll first drink out her fluids from a small incision at her navel while keeping her fully conscious and immobile and later proceed to remove her labia and force feed it to her, IMHO anyway.
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful.
I believe Hannibal would have really liked Catherine Tramell.
The Lector from the books might have, he was actively horny for Starling there, but the Anthony Hopkins version seemed more interested in people more pure than himself; something Tremell definitely wasn't. His fascination with Crawford and Starling in the movies, at least the first and second ones, seemed to be more as pure things to be studied and guided/ manipulated, and not automatically sadistically. Tremell on the other hand seemed to enjoy destroying people and was totally nuts/ weak. Lector seemed to be disgusted with rampant slaughter, base cruelty, and emotional weakness (Buffalo Bill, Dr. Chilton, Verger) all of which seemed to be part of Tremell. A more likely reaction would be "he would have toyed with [her] and then turned to stone." I could be wrong but Lector comes across almost as a sympathetic character where as Tremell seemed totally repulsive.
There's some lovely fan-fiction that explores just that . It's certainly better than this film, though that's not exactly a compliment.
If that "Love God And Are 100% Proud" signature makes you sick, make THIS your signature!
I`m sorry for my lack of manners, but I`m not used to escorting men.
The mind *beep* of the century.
Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.
ask Will. He was in this movie.