serious contender for worst movie of all time
BI2 is by far one of the worst "big studios-big budget" movies of all time, or at last one of the worst sequels ever made. Pure commercial garbage with no artistic value at all.
shareBI2 is by far one of the worst "big studios-big budget" movies of all time, or at last one of the worst sequels ever made. Pure commercial garbage with no artistic value at all.
shareHonestly yeah sure I liked the first one...I admire Stone...but I really didn't see why the second one garnered so much negativity. It wasn't nearly as good as the first film by any means...but worst movie of all time? please.
If it's too quiet you're too young.- Justin Norwood (me.)
I completely agree - I wasn't expecting anything good based on every review I heard. However the movie is VERY watchable. Much better than many movies I have seen lately. Sure as hell was 5x better than American Dreamz.
shareor "serious contender for best comedy of all time" least they made me laugh a little...what a stupid movie ...
shareI felt I grew up, but the movie didn't.
shareThis is definitley not one of the worst movies.
You're a retard.
Call me crazy,
But I was just about to get it on dvd. I really don't pay much attention the details of the story, I just liked the "eroticism" of the movie.
But this is true, that these genre films are known to have a "high artistic value" and a "non-commercial" or "non-simplistic" approach then other film genres.
I'm a "Erotic Thriller" movie lover of some movies that may come off to be either good and bad movies in most people's perceptions. But I hate the fact this movie doesn't take itself seriously, as in (artistic value) though I'm disapointed that it didn't do well this time. But I still like it as a "Guilty pleasure" lol.
Why you have kids following you? Do you got candy in your ass?
There are more than a million of worse movies. BI2 was only an easy sequel. A great dissappoint, but not a horrible movie.
sharei summon this movie up for you after 20minutes of watching: same story but in UK, chick got older, supporting actors much worse, no chemistry, worst of all: no douglas. skip this one.
shareI concur. This film is grade-A garbage.
It's painful to watch at times. Particually Sharon Stone trying to seduce the various men in this film. Silly police detectives/shrinks ect.. getting tongue-tied and giddy when she comes out with a suggestive remark. LOL!
The fact that she seems to turn up EVERYWHERE, hanging by a doorway.
Absolutely awful. Whoever green-lighted this wants shooting.
Movie was all Ok,not bad,just average stuff.If the first movie had never been made,there would be no one whining how bad this movie was.If you want to see movie that really sucks,watch Miami Vice(2006).
shareI actually liked it. Not the best picture or anything but the way so many things are left to the veiwers imagination, it had me really thinking, and a bit spooked, which is more than I can say for alot of hollywood films this year.
shareThis movie was pretty damn cool.
People on hear underrate it way too much. It is by far NOTHING of a worse movie.
Idiots dont have anything else to do but to troll around.
Get a life.
sydneysmike-when you say spooked help me out with what you mean? See im not old enough to watch all R rate movies and im wondering if i should see this. I love the first one, i was afraid to go to sleep the night i watched it because i kept thinking Sharon Stone was gonna come outta my closet and stab me with an ice But the trailer for this looks really good and on youtube i saw the chair scene, so i kinda wanna see it, but is it worth it?
shareI wasn't a big fan of the original but appreciated it a lot more than the sequel and Sharon Stone's acting in the second one was just pathetic. Her boring voice and mannerisms was almost boring me to sleep by about 30 mins in.
The English leading male felt like a pretty forgettable guy also.
This movie is not the worst of all time by far. I liked it very much. The only reason that it got a bad review is because of the expectations put on it. The first Basic Instinct was so good that it set the bar high and since Basic Instinct 2 wasn't as good as the first it was considered a failure.
shareyea the movie is good
I was Raped
So many critics and others have been calling this one of the worst movies ever, that I was actually surprised when I saw it. It wasn't as good as the original, but it was much better than most of the mystery/thriller films that have come out over the past few years. Now, The studio just needs to quit teasing people and release an extended cut that has all the sex and nudity that was intended to be in.
shareOK the movie wasnt great but the critics had the knives out even before they had seen it and i have DEFINATELY seen worse. They had it in for this movie from the start. Sharon Stone has always been one of my favorite actresses nad i DONT care if she has had a nip and tuck to stay hot!