Did the film ever air in the States?

Out of curiousity do any of you know if the Power of Nightmares ever aired on television in the States? I do not remember seeing this on PBS or any educational program discussing terrorism...

For those who have not seen the documentary yet:
The documentary can be found at www.archive.org in parts, just type in Power of Nightmares when you type in web address.


An educational doc with such background and facts like this actually air in the US??? lol

Sure, it's pre-empting American Idol next week.



It is a very smart documentery and unlike some of the razor edge stuff that does get aired in the US (Michael Moore's film) it does not really show a bias. Curtis clearly states that the liberal dream that politicians embraced failed (when he talks about the Detroit riots), and everything in the film is presented in similar fashion - clean-cut and to the point. Essentially, you can believe whatever ideology is closest to your own, but you can't deny the facts of why such ideologies exist and thrive.

Its a shame that no major US network has had interest in showing it, I wonder why! I remember it was, however, screened at Cannes and was slated to made into a full length film. Unfortunetly, I don't know what ever happened to that.
