Power hires stupid ! I invite you to read this:
Sanders Research Associates ::
When the inmates take charge 11/21/2006 03:52 PM
When the inmates take charge
By Chris Sanders
If you have ever thought that the world seems crazy, there is a good reason. It may well be that the people running it are crazy. After all, they deliberately hire dysfunctional people to do their dirty work.
Now that the US mid term elections are over, it remains to be seen how long it is going to take for disillusion to set in. Democrats are understandably delighted with the result. Whether or not the voters who delivered it appreciate the reality that their leadership has no more idea than the
Republicans about how to chart a new course forward is doubtful. The truth of the matter is that the Democrats won because they are not Republicans, not because they are bringing anything new to the table.
There is certainly no sign of any change in matters Middle Eastern. The new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is said to have claimed on numerous occasions that the creation of the state of Israel was the greatest event of the twentieth century. Even allowing for the creative hyperbole due a politician in the course of pandering to an audience, this is quite a statement. What amazes us is that every politician on Capitol Hill is not competing to distance themselves from Israel rather than praise it. While Americans were voting last week, the IDF was engaged in a frenzied killing spree in Gaza, using 155mm artillery to pulverize an apartment block. A UN Security Council resolution quite rightly taking Israel to task was predictably, and sadly, vetoed by the US. How this advances American interests, or for that matter Israeli interests, or even more particularly Jewish interests, is completely beyond us.
It is a fact that US military doctrine includes an injunction to keep the enemy off balance by making him think that one is crazy. The insane can be unpredictable, and the idea is that one’s enemy can be forced to prepare for
contingencies that he might otherwise not waste time and resources on. This is sensible enough as far as it goes, but the US military and Israel’s appear to have taken this another step and decided to really be insane. This may not be as crazy as it sounds. American historian Alfred McCoy, in the course of his book
A Question of Torture , documents the use by the American CIA of psychological profiling in the Sanders Research Associates :: When the inmates take charge 11/21/2006 03:52 PM
A Question of Torture , documents the use by the American CIA of psychological profiling in the 1950s in its efforts to staff the South Korean CIA. What the Americans were looking for were dependent personalities with low self esteem who would be easy to manipulate and thrive in the sort of unbalanced social situations that exist in the interrogation room. That was more than fifty
years ago. It takes little imagination to consider the possibility that as these people rose in the ranks they themselves would be applying psychological profiling to select new recruits. It should not take more than couple of generations for entire organisations to be staffed by people that you would
not only not want your daughter to date but whom you would in normal circumstances lock up.
McCoy’s detailed study of the Philippine armed forces suggests that this might in fact be the case, which makes one wonder. Who are these people in Washington, really? It is all too easy to imagine Dick Cheney, with his twisted grin and poor aim with a shotgun as the Freddie Krueger of Pennsylvania Avenue, but that is, no doubt, unfair. After all, he is just trying to get hold of enough oil so that those of us in the investment management industry can keep driving our sports cars. Doing so by invading Iraq may be dumb, but you wouldn’t call it crazy. Consider, on the other hand, retired American Colonel Ralph Peters, apparently the author of numerous books and well thought of enough to publish in the Armed Forces Magazine. Peters enjoys shocking his audience with statements like “Oh, and one other dirty little secret from 5000 years of history. Ethnic cleansing works.”
Peters, like communists, zionists and other political agitators is fond of using history to make points that otherwise don’t stand the tests of logic or time. Whether you dress it up with phrases like “scientific socialism” as did the communists, or superstition as do the zionists, or just invent it
like the Nazis, the “tide” of history is usually just eyewash to conceal a more mundane agenda.
How exactly ethnic cleansing “works” is shown in the horrific pictures of the Beit Hanoun massacre in Gaza last week. Invoking “5000 years of history” to justify mass murder is just another way for Peters to fool himself into thinking he is smart while demonstrating to the rest of us that he is anything but.
Essentially all Peters is saying is that other countries have gotten away with mass murder, so why not us? The large wars of the last century have all involved ethnic cleansing in a big way to achieve political ends and to supposedly “solve” otherwise insoluble “problems.” This is something that Jews themselves have first hand knowledge of, and ought to give Israel’s leadership pause for thought. Instead, it seems determined to wallow in brutality, when in fact all eighty years of brutality has achieved is yet more claims that a little more is all that’s needed for success. In fact, if we are going to resort to history, we might note that the US is no slouch at the killing game. Its war in Vietnam, for instanc,e resulting in somewhere between two and five million deaths, and that was just the locals. At the end of it all the US lost, and lost thoroughly. None of the premises that were used to initiate the war were valid, from the painfully stupid Domino Theory to the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident. Does this sound familiar?
When one looks at the cost of the Iraq war, it is hard to keep from thinking about how much energy efficiency the money spent killing Iraqis might buy. Instead, American taxpayers have paid something like $145 per barrel for the oil
that Iraq has produced since the invasion in March 2003 (using the cost of the war to date as numerator and the amount of oil produced as denominator). To this add the pointless squandering of the positive image that the United
States once had in the region. It is one thing to be the world’s only superpower, but as the US is demonstrating, once you start using that super power, you had better be successful, and fast. Using super power to lose wars is just an advertisement of super weakness.
Today Washington is atwitter with the sound of Democrats exulting in victory they don’t deserve and anticipation of a withdrawal from Iraq. Don’t count on it. The psychos are in charge, perhaps the only true bipartisan movement in the