Similarities between 7/7 and 9/11

Thesedays its pretty widespread knowledge that 9/11 was an inside job. (if you dont know much about this and would like to learn then i would suggest disturbing and similar questions are surfacing regarding 7/7. since both events are part of the horribly corrupt 'war on terror' any challenging questions raised, however difficult they are to face, should not be ignored. after all, Blair stood behind Bush after 9/11 and did not challenege the blatent indescepencies (of which you can learn about in the (evidence heavy) film, and he has joined america in the slaughtering of innocents in afganistan and iraq. i suggest you pay regard to the following. Tim

-Similarities between 7/7 and 9/11-

1. Islamophobic rush to judgment led from the top.
Bush links event to Islamic terrorism the same day. Blair links event to Islamic terrorism within 3 hours. 'These people want to destroy our way of life' ? but not apparently enough to disrupt London's Olympic bid as would have occured if the bombing had occurred just 24-30 hours earlier. As in the US after 9-11 the media fall over themselves to swallow Blair's steer, even the Left, who disbelieve Blair on 45 minutes, reasons for Iraq war, etc, etc.
2. Supposed 'suicides' blamed who cannot defend themselves. (Dead men tell no tales?) Once the 'suicide Islamic terrorist' 'meme' is formed in peoples minds, it is very hard to shift: Islamic suicide bombers are simply assumed to exist and elaborate stories about intelligence failures merely reinforce this original assertion, for which no proof exists such as would satisfy a court of law.

3. Alleged perpetrators named very quickly: 19 hijackers named by FBI within 48 hours,

Four 'suicide bombers' from Leeds designated by Tuesday July 12th.

4. Constant unaccountable 'briefings' of a gullible press corps lead to frequent unexplained changes in important elements in the official story, e.g. re explosives, timers, accomplices, trips to Pakistan.

5 Yet Bush and Blair both swiftly rule out investigations into their respective events.

6. Nor are the key files, records, tapes, etc released for open public appraisal.

In America no release of video tapes, flight recorders, electronic recordings of the stock-exchange 'put-options'; in Britain no release of crucial information about explosives, timers, bomb damage, CCTV cameras, phone records, etc

7. A pattern of Israeli foreknowledge displayed. NY Israeli Odigo firm given 2 hrs notice of upcoming catastophe in nearby World Trade Centre;

Israeli Finance Minister Netenyahu in London given 6 or 10 mins warning (as confirmed by head of Mossad in Germany's top-selling Bild am Sontag).

8. Terror drills same place(s) same time.

In NY, 'Tripod II' ongoing at NY pier co-ordinated by mayor Giuliani, on morning of 9/11; and (remarkably) Vice-President Cheney is in charge of five or six air defence exercises that morning which involves sending many interceptor jets to Canada, and a score of 'exercise high-jacks' on the screens of the air-defence controllers at the same time as the real (supposedly high-jacked) planes were flying towards the World Trade Cemtre and Pentagon.

In London 'Visor consultants' practice terror drill on morning of 7/7 focussing on the same 3 tube stations as are about to be the main locations for the real emergencies which start to unfold. .

9. Terror drill morphs seamlessly into clean-up operation after the event.

In NY the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) vans arrived before the event for the Tripod II exercise and they clean up afterwards;

Likewise participants in the 'exercise' run by'Visor consultants' switch into real life handling of the emergency (according to Peter Power). Many emergency services on hand for swift response.

10. CCTV cameras mysteriously fail.

No 'hijackers' filmed at any airport getting onto their planes on morning of 9/11;

No 'bombers' filmed at any London underground station or on the No. 30 bus (4 CCTV cameras, regularly maintained). Or else we are not to be shown the footage because it doesn't conform with the official story?

11. The only visual record we are to be shown turns out to be on videos far from the event:
'Mohammed Atta' at Portland, Maine, that morning;

the four 'bombers' at Luton in a photo whose genuineness has been questioned, partly due to very indistinct faces of three of the designated suspects.

12. ID mysteriously survives - at 9/11 an unscathed 'hijacker' passport was found near Ground Zero, and also Al Omari left his passport in Mohammed Atta's bag. All the designated 'bombers' left ID behind, one of them (Mohammed Khan) at two different blast scenes.

13. Vehicles may well have been tampered with beforehand:

Flight management systems in civilian airliners could have allowed electronic capture of airplanes

Depot where the No. 30 bus was parked at the weekend had been subject to a highly unusual 20 hrs visit by a special maintenance team. Plus one significant report of Aldgate bomb damage hole in tube floor showing metal bent upwards, suggestive of bomb placed under the floor of the carriage. Survivor Bruce Lait doesn't recall any bag around beforehand.

14. Destruction of key forensic evidence in New York ? and London?

In New York the Bush network shipped out the steel under armed guard, which could have proved that the triple towers collapsed because of explosive charges.

In the UK will credibly independent scientists be allowed to investigate the railway carriages and bus, or will they also be scrapped sharpish?

15. Top directors have potentially suspicious loyalties:

George W Bush'es brother (Marvin) had until June 2001 been a director in Statsec that handled the security for three clients which figured prominently in the attack: United Airlines, Dulles Airport and the World Trade Centre itself, while Bush cousin Wirt Walker III was CEO from 1999 to Jan 2002.

London Transport manager Bob Kiley had been a high-flying CIA agent and remains a member of influential elite CFR (Council of Foreign Relations); his London Underground manager also a well-connected American executive, and in autumn of 2004 brings in Verint Systems, an Israeli security firm, to control video surveillance and security systems across the tube network. Some believe that during the post-blast, pre-announcement phase of almost an hour, the 'power surge' could have enabled certain people to arrange matters at the site of the bomb blasts prior to the regular police, or even the bomb-squad, arriving.

16. Many 'security' agencies and firms stand to gain when/if major new security measures are brought in.

These are grouped together in 'London resilience' a private-public 'partnership' forum involving many US and UK security firms. Ex Scotland Yard and bomb squad detective Peter Power may have links to Richard Shierer, the senior Vice-President of Guiliani Associates, who also built the hardened bunker in WTC building 7. Guiliani just happens to be on hand near Liverpool Street station on 7/7. Bechtel is a partner in the consortium which has the PPP contract to run the Picadilly line.

17. Leaders get bounce in polls and more powers for State.

Bush secured Patriot Act the first time in 2001, and renewal of that Act the day after repeat London bombings (squibs?). Just days before 7/7 Downing Street reported to be 'in panic' about lack of support for ID cards. Just following the bombing Bush escapes danger of public diplomatic isolation at G8 conference.


Thesedays its pretty widespread knowledge that 9/11 was an inside job.

Good one hehe.


God DAMN, you conspiarcy freaks are idiots!!

Islamophobic rush to judgment led from the top.

Try leading from jihadists themeslves who threaten to attack us!!

No 'hijackers' filmed at any airport getting onto their planes on morning of 9/11;

NOT true!

7. A pattern of Israeli foreknowledge displayed. NY Israeli Odigo firm given 2 hrs notice of upcoming catastophe in nearby World Trade Centre;

Also not true!

George W Bush'es brother (Marvin) had until June 2001 been a director in Statsec that handled the security for three clients which figured prominently in the attack: United Airlines, Dulles Airport and the World Trade Centre itself, while Bush cousin Wirt Walker III was CEO from 1999 to Jan 2002.

Marvin Bush left in 2000!

In New York the Bush network shipped out the steel under armed guard, which could have proved that the triple towers collapsed because of explosive charges.

Another lie! They were shipped to the Fresh Kills Landfill for examination!

You're as evil as the terrorists who attacked BOTH countries!!



Just wondering if you had seen this:
