Well this is rather depressing
Excellent documentary, I have to say. I love how Adam Curtis takes a step back, starts at the building blocks of events and goes from there, providing many facts and solid viewpoints along the way. I've seen this and The Century of the Self now and am very impressed.
However, these documentaries are so very depressing. People in general seem so content with their oversimplified and non-researched opinions that they just believe everything they hear from an 'authorized' source (the government, businesses or media) without ever considering everyone has their own agenda. Everything is simply believed without any investigation on their own part. The sad but ultimate truth is that people just don't care. And I have to say, that just depresses me when people are willingly choosing to stay uninformed, accept unfounded arguments, and continue not to give a *beep* The parallels with history doesn't make it much easier to digest.
People who hold such intense anti-Muslim views are just as fundamentalist as the extremist Muslims themselves. Is it so very hard to see that the far far majority of Muslims are simply moderates who don't intensely hate America or civilization?