Worst movie by Mann

I am a big Mann-fan

I expected this to be good, since Mann has done some brilliant crime movies

This movie was terrible, no character development

I didn't even care or knew, who was who, until 1 hour, then i didn't care to watch without hitting the forward button

Seems like they made this movie only for the TV show fans, otherwise someone who sees it first time won't give a *beep* what's going on in the movie

and those who are saying this is in the league of Heat, are dumb fools


Blackhat is far worse IMO.

... no character development

I agree that the Crockett/Tubbs relationship needed to be far better defined than we see in this film, which I think is a key reason the film wasn't more successful. 🐭


Along with the fact Jamie fox THINKING HE'S A GREAT ACTOR...


OMG he's such a jerk. There are plenty of stories about his behavior while filming. All kinds of demands, refusing to fly commercial, had to have a private jet, huge ego, on and on. Oscar winner, ya know.
It's going to be all downhill for him now. He can spend his time "secretly" boning Katie Holmes. I'll never watch another movie he's in.


Spookyrat speaks the truth. You must not have seen "Blackhat"... That effort makes MV look like the best movie ever in comparison.

And I do not dislike MV either. It is a well-paced story with in-your-face violence and action and some sexy scenes especially with Gong Li. After watching "Blackhat" I do think the guy may have a slight Asian woman fetish.

The biggest problem that I have with this film is that almost none of the characters are really likeable. Crockett, Tubbs and Castillo are all arrogant pricks and are not even slightly charming enough to make up for it. Terrible protagonists. And Montoya! Does this character have some type of slight Asperger's or something? Monotone, stonefaced, avoids eye contact and any type of human emotion. Thank goodness for Jose Yero! If none of your characters are going to be worth rooting for, you need to make up for it with a clever story, which this film didn't. The story was not bad but just didn't really have any twists or big reveals or was pretty straightforward.

Also, parts of the "insider" dialogue was a little *too* pervasive and heavy handed in an effort to, I guess, bring more realism to the film. It just comes across as trying a little too hard and too cool for school for me. I had to look up like a handful of different LE and drug terms and acronyms after watching.

Oh, and Colin's handlebar stache was a little silly, lol
