MovieChat Forums > Supernanny (2005) Discussion > Another ABC rip-off show with a ultra-an...

Another ABC rip-off show with a ultra-annoying nanny!!!

Typical move for ABC. Rip-off a popular idea, then find the most irritating + repulsive nanny!


I don't find this show terrible at all. I just watched it and I think it is one of the more informative reality shows out there. Instead of featuring gross food challenges, dysfunctional celebrities, Donald Trump, etc. it features common sense, tough love parenting techniques that teach parents to be parents not sniveling, coddling slaves to their children's will.


I agree that her techniques could be very helpful. The thing is, how many different methods does she have in dealing with difficult children to make SEVERAL episodes? I don't know...


I totally agree with that, crazytrain. first there was the problem with wifeswap and then fox took a new show called trading spouses. ABC didn't like ABC does the same thing, and supernanny is not as good as nanny 911. whats all the copying back and forth for?


As I understand it, both Supernanny and Wifeswap were originally shows in Britain, and ABC decided to bring them to the U.S. Fox wanted to beat them to it and created Trading Spouses and Nanny 911 as clones of the other shows and showed them before ABC could. It's Fox that are the rip-off artists, not ABC.

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sweetnick is right. fox is a sleazy network that rips off others' ideas. there was trading spouses (wifeswap) and the next great champ (the contender, nbc) and now it's nanny 911. just because these shows air first doesn't mean that they were fox's ideas first. and it doesn't matter if wifeswap and supernanny were originally british shows since it was abc's idea to bring them over.

notice how close the shows aired. trading spouses came out only a few months before wifeswap. i've watched both shows and while i hate the concept, wifeswap comes off as the better show. it's more polished while trading spouses comes off as a slapped together high school project. that's what happens when fox scrambles to get these shows on the air first to make whatever abc comes up with look like has-beens. the truth is that the shows on abc come off better because they take more time to work on the show.

fox rips off ideas left and right. trading spouses, the next great champ, the rebel billionaire, nanny 911.

rex cries when he ejaculates.


Exactly. Fox was bitter that they didn't get the rights to Supernanny so they retaliated and pushed to get their version "Nanny 911" on the air first. Now, far be it from me to defend ABC normally cause they haven't exactly been "good to me" this past year or so (has anyone seen Kingdom Hospital?) but, in this case, Fox 5 is definatley the "culprit"


Culprit, thief, efficient or not - "Nanny 911" is a much better show than "Supernanny". I dare all to compare!

The "nanny" in "Supernanny" is obviously an actress - "I've got to get back to the family right away!" Her superhero line is quite lame. People constantly mention that they've seen the actress in other shows or commercials. She's that familiar. "Supernanny" only uses a couple of ideas to help the host family, which were probably coached to the actress prior to the airing of the show. So if something out of the ordinary comes up, the actress is at a loss. Whereas in "Nanny 911", there are the matriachical nanny stereotypes who actually convey sound rearing advice, training of which will undoubtedly last past the two weeks it takes for a newly acquired "habit" to erode. The 911 nannies go so far as to have the children learn table manners! Having written that, I like both shows for their entertainment value, but prefer "Nanny 911" if given a choice between the two.
On the off-topic "Wifeswap" versus "Trading Spouses" - Fox completely missed the point of doing the show and should cancel it immediately, as it wastes good airtime space! I refuse to watch "Trading Spouses" because it's like watching a jumble of poorly edited home videos. On the other side of the tv, ABC does "Wifeswap" well, and even evokes a message for all to learn by show's end. How special.

To sum up, quality makes a big difference, so when deciding to steal a show, please do it right. I could care less who stole what from whom.


You know she is an actual nanny, so I don't know what you're talking about.

"If I wanted to know what you thought, I'd give you a rectal exam!"


She's actually a nanny - how do you know? Just because you write it doesn't make it true. What I'm WRITING about is the fact that the woman appears to be acting and doing a bad job of it!


this isnt an ABC rip-off, this show actually started in the UK last year on channel 4, its still called Supernanny and its still with Joe


FYI - Fox's Nanny 911 is the rip-off. Supernanny was the original. Check your facts.


Here's Jo's biograph yon ABC's site:

Personally I like Supernanny, it's very informative for people with small children, not to mention the pleasure of knowing there are worst cases of as JO would put it naughtyness. Jo is in my opinion an agreeable lead. I don't think she's plastic or anything. On the subject of the "superhero" lines well, they're supposed to be corny on purpose. I mean she always wears the same outfit on the first day (her superhero costume) and after she says the phrase then the music score, which is slightly evocational of a superhero's theme, begins. It's meant to be taken in the angle of "Supernanny: Saving the World one naughty child at a time"

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- Mark Twain


I like Supernanny SO much better. How could you say she is an actress,when she comes across more real than the Nannies on Nanny 911. They seem to be the ones playing the role with those capes and hats, and that little "cold nanny" act. Jo actually connects with the kids and parents. She is very honest,yet not a a brat about it. Fox copies alot of shows.

As for Trading Spoues I was happy when it got canceled. Wifeswap is alot better, even if they don't get the money at the end.


Nanny 911 is entertaining enough but there are no concrete examples of parenting techniques being used. Basically the nanny comes into the house, gives the parents a pep talk, and all of sudden the kids start behaving.


Super Nanny is way better. nanny 911 is good, I like that show too, but that is the one that I find more theatrical. There is always someone looking on in shock as the chosen nanny walks down the street, then when she rings the doorbell, every single family member looks towards the door, including pets! Yeah, that happens in my family all the time! And how did the camera get in there if the nanny has not even arrived yet?

Always borrow money from a pessimist, they never expect it back.


Supernanny was a lot more realistic in the UK edition. The Supernanny US edition and Nanny 911 are so scripted! For Supernanny US - The opening DVD watching part, the interview with Jo after she left and watch the videos of how the family is coping etc. SCRIPTED, STAGED, FAKE. I am sure the UK (original) version has some scripted parts but at least they didn't make me think twice about whether they are staged or not. The US edition just screams STAGED.

So to the US producers of Supernanny: You don't have to try so hard, it just makes it worse.


Nanny 911 is slightly more interesting to me

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