MovieChat Forums > Supernanny (2005) Discussion > Why do all the families

Why do all the families

seem to be super rich? The houses are amazing and the one last night had a pool you would see at a water park. What do these people do for a living????


lol, I agree.. I would let Supernanny come over, but my house is way too small lol, maybe it's a requirement



It amazes me that the parents and kids in the show act like trailer trash and look like it all dressed up and act incompetent, but nevertheless have nice homes. And some of the most decent people and good parents don't have a pot to pee in, just a roof over their head and food to eat.


Thank you for addressing that. I never really watched the show until this year and I thought the same thing. Each family has Disney World in their back yard. Why are the parents always around 28 - 30 years old and have tons of money? Are they prostitutes or hitmen?



prostitutes or hitmen - LMAO



But they could still include normal middle class families who have no financial problems but aren't super rich


But they could still include normal middle class families who have no financial problems but aren't super rich ~ Yeah I Agree



Not all of them are rich, she has been to some houses that are smaller and it obvious that the family does not have a lot of money. It could also be that most of the houses are big because they are probably a lot easier to film in with all the cameras, cameramen, and whoever else they have in the house with them.


That's a point. In a small apartment, you wouldn't be able to move with all the camera's around


First off, the people who have the really nice homes and such don't live in a richy area. Yeah big homes but what.. in the middle of nowhere or in some middle or souther or eastern state.

For some of the bigger houses that they show they probably are like 500,000 dollars! Thats friggin cheap for a home especially that size! If they were to put that home here in California where I am from or somewhere where housing prices are more expensive a 500,000 dollar house in the middle/southern states would be well over a million dollars here.

So they arent really expensive they jsut live in a place where housing is cheap.



It's not nothing, I am just saying.. its WAY cheaper.

A good average size house.. maybe idk 3,000 square footage is like about almost a million dollars lol.

So yeah half a million dollars for a house is cheap.. compared to here lol.

And I heard New York as expensive homes too.


For $1 million in Manhattan, you get a 1,000 square foot apartment, if you're lucky. ( )I love how Californians think housing is SO expensive out there. It's a pittance compared to here.


It's true that houses are much cheaper in the suburbs or smaller towns. I live in Toronto in a two bedroom apartment and my friend has a 4 bedroom house in pickering (a small town outside of Toronto) for the same price, and the house is huge!


I wish those type of houses were cheap here in Kansas, I would love to live in a house like those.



There have been plenty of houses that weren't big and families that obviously were not well-to-do.

There was one a couple of years ago based in the town where I live, and the subdivision that the house was located in is most definitely lower middle class. It looked a little better on TV than it does in person.

Anyway, I can think of a lot over the years that were just normal homes and families. Some of the worst behaved and most spoiled have, indeed, been some of the wealthier ones, though.


a lot of the time the families are rich because they are the people who dont know how to say no or control their children

they give them anything they want which makes them act like brats



It's the same with that Home Makeover show, they always fix up the big, fancy houses, never the medium, small or poor houses. Some of those back yards are larger than my whole damned neighborhood.

Son of a batch of cookies!


Some of those back yards are larger than my whole damned neighborhood. - LOL



Yeah, it seems ironic that there are people who are seemingly so well educated and established yet appear to be be so clueless about one of the most basic and important skills in life: parenting. But then again, it's not exactly one of those things that can be really learned about until it's attempted. Just goes to show book smarts can't help you with everything you seek to accomplish in life.


That's a downfall of today's society. So much emphasis is put on making money and climbing up the corporate ladder; the importance of family is put on the backburner.

Anne Marie


Something else I'd like to know is why some of these people have SO DAMN MANY KIDS in the first place! I mean, come on, parenting is a concept you either can get a grasp on or you can't. If it's something you just can't handle, shouldn't you be able to figure that out when the first kid comes along? So, if that turns out to be more than you can handle, why go and make two or three MORE kids? It just doesn't make any sense to me how some people are so willing to take on more in life than they can easily handle for all the wrong reasons.


i was watching it last week. i dont know the name of the family but the husband was 30 and the wife was 24 which is not so bad. the wife looked a lot older than 24 she looked 27. it was the one with one of their kids name is bryce. the kids go to other people's houses.


A valid point.

