I am a strong believer that if a child is misbehaving there is usually a reason for it (and for whatever reason, that action seems reasonable to them at that moment. I have a 1 year old, and a 4 year old step-son, who lives with my husband and I.
My husband and I agreed that we were not going to spank our children. I am a teacher, and honestly spanking goes against every educational technique and philosohpy I have been taught. And before I get accused, no these techniques do not only work in a book or on paper. From my experience, the best thing you can do with a child, is try to understand why they are doing something. If my son is throwing a temper tantrum, why is he throwing it, and why does he think this is the best way to get what he wants. The one and ONLY time my son has thrown a massive temper tantrum in a store, was honestly my fault. I very unwisely took my son while running errands. We had lunch on the go, and skipped nap time. By the last store, he was exhausted, I was pretty tired myself, and he threw a tantrum after being told to put something back. Was it okay for him to throw a fit, of course not, but he felt that was the best way to get my attention, and to some extent it worked. I picked him up, took him home (after yelling in the car for about 2min, he passed out in his car seat) and put him to bed. From his point of view the only way he could communicate with me at that point was through a tantrum.
I think you are right that especially with technology savvy kids of today do add extra challenges. I think thats all the more reason its important that parents talk to their kids. That is what is really being lost. From day one (when I came into my son's life) my husband and I have treated him with respect and dignity, we do the same with our daughter. We have used time outs, but we explain the reason certain behavior is not exceptable, beyond just saying "no". Even with our daughter, even though she may not fully understand the reason, beyond just understanding "no", by talking to her, we at least also teach her language skills.
I don't condemn parents that spank, and I would never tell another person how to raise their child. I do think however that spanking is the most effective for the parent, and requires the least amount of work for the parent. I do not think it is necessarily more effective.