I turned on tonight's episode and it was clearly filmed in Britain (accents, cars, etc), and they called it "new". This show must be on the verge of cancellation if they have to recycle episodes of the British version from 3 years ago and call them "new".
I noticed the house, as well. If you knew a crew was coming to put you on TV, at least paint or replace a missing guardrail. Last night's episode was new, and in the USA.
Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.
As far as the episodes from England, I believe Jo has an entirely separate Supernanny series running in the UK. In fact, the UK version began roughly a year before the American version. I think they probably plug in some of the UK episodes for interest. I wish they would air more of the British episodes because I love watching them.
Formerly Known As David-Indiana On IMDb
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It really seems to me that some of the worst behaviors have been the ones from the UK. Not the last ones shown, but wow, there have been some doozies from there.
If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
You haven't seen the episode with the twins, George and Nicole, then. I've never heard such foul mouths on a couple of four-year-olds. And if the newspapers are to be believed, Supernanny hasn't worked.
I blame the parents. Jo sets down an easy-to-follow routine for them, and when she leaves, it is up to them to keep to it. If they lose the routine, they lose control of their kids. Those parents clearly did not keep to the routine. They obviously didn't have the self-discipline.
Americans kids are pretty bratty too. I am so disgruntled with some of the teens I live with or know. One of the boys I had in the daycare I worked at was married today. His mother was uninvited because she refused to buy some of the people in the wedding party $80.00 tennis shoes!!! She is helping to pay for him to go to college, and she has paid for the reception hall and numerous other things and he has the nerve to call her self absorbed and selfish among other things.
It is clear that children are being over-indulged and expecting much more than they have a right to. I feel so bad for the mother, a friend of mine.
Ouch: First word spoken by children with older siblings.