Phelps Family

I don't know about you guys, but I don't fully enjoy episodes where the parents don't respect each other. I can kind of see why Amy the wife was on the defensive a lot of the time. And seemed a bit hard. Her husband seems to disapprove of her. "What did you do all day?" he asks her when he gets home.

In a certain tone of voice, that could be an innocent question, but the way he said it, it was clearly a jab. He acts intellectually superior. (lol... which is funny)

I hate that kind of crap between couples on these shows.

And it's a little odd she'd be so deathly opposed to time-out. Has she never seen Supernanny before?


I agree. I think the parents behavior was worse than
the children's.

Ouch: First word spoken by children with older siblings.


It always is. That's where the problems come from.


The majority of people who are deathly opposed to time outs wonder why their kids are running rampent... (see my post about my Day care center/Time outs -- it's hilarious!)

Most of the parent's don't realize that they are their children's first and most often seen teacher. They really need to wake up and smell the dirty diapers. If they would curb their tempers their kids would get the message, too.

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


I know what you mean. Her husband talked down to her a lot during the meeting with Jo, like he was implying that she wasn't capable of taking any of the suggestions or something.
