MovieChat Forums > Supernanny (2005) Discussion > Been watching this show for years, and t...

Been watching this show for years, and the conclusion is inescapable:

These people should not be having children! Or at least no more than one or two.

Am I being too harsh? Maybe, but it's like a broken record on this show: the parents have a couple of kids, then screw things up by having MORE! Their already flawed parenting abilities are stretched to the breaking point and then the extra kids send the situation into dysfunctional territory. And it's not just this show; it happens everywhere. My wife's a schoolteacher and it's just mindboggling how many young, poor, ill-equipped people have four or more kids. It hurts the kids and burdens society at large.

Birth control! Live it! Love it! USE IT!


You hit the nail on the head!

They have too many kids, and they don't work on the relationship with them, or with their mates.

"Rock is dead! Long live Paper and Scissors!"


I feel a little guilty...sometimes when I watch the show...I get so irritated at the behavior of those kids...I just can't help it...I never say it out loud, but in my head I'm going:

"Shoot that motherf##ker."

Oh, goodbye mama. I'll never do dishes again.


I do say aloud, "Just pop that little sh!t in the mouth. Do it! Do it now!", and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty.

I'm watching the Lambert episode, with the main terrorist being this miserable little bastard named Matthew. Punches, kicks people, throws and destroys things, generally causes total chaos as often as possible. He doesn't respond to words or nonviolent gestures. I just do not understand why it would be considered "abusive" to physically discipline a child who is being violent and is proving to be a threat to his younger siblings as well as everybody in general. Kids like that only understand fear, and if they aren't afraid of you, they won't behave.


I agree that Matthew was a brat from hell but in all fairness to him...his mother was retarded. To sit there and say "no one can discipline him because he's my little baby." Is she serious? I almost thought she enjoyed his crazy behavior.

What kills me are the moms who says "but I hate to see my little boy/girl cry." Those people need to be punched. Notice how all parents of the worst kids say that. Kids cry. Get over it!


I agree - parents seem to be afraid to allow their children to suffer the consequences of their behavior. But violence only fosters more violence.


I yell that every week. I can't recall a family that had no more than 2 kids.

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.

