Two Words

Crazy Glue

Just a dab between the knees - problem solved before it starts.

The one thing this show cements for me - I am SO glad I chose not to have kids. Friggin' little monsters. Sorry, but no matter what Jo accomplishes while she's there, the core of the brats is still in there somewhere and will reappear at 13 if not sooner. Blecch. No thanks. LOL

And now for something completely different...


It is not really the kids fault they are like that. I blame the parents. They humor their kids and over indulge them way too much these days. Of course, I too have chosen to not have children though I raised my two nephews, the irony, and I also work in a whinery, er, home daycare.

Ouch: First word spoken by children with older siblings.


You are both a smart and brave soul... "Whinery" *LOL* Love it! And kudos on raising your nephews. :-)

I blame the parents for the behavior of the younger ones, especially. Unfortunately, once they hit school age there are so many outside influences even the "good ones" often end up being pains in the butt.

And now for something completely different...


I just turned 30 and i never had the desire to have children, the closes I get is taking care of my 2 year old second cousins for a few days every once in awhile and that experience alone makes me aware that i could never do it full time I would not be a good parent and i love my freedom, having nice things etc I'm childfree and proud of it!!!!

Lestatic #28


Good on ya! I did a lot of babysitting as a teen and occasionally for friends as an adult. That was plenty of kid-time for me! LOL

And now for something completely different...
