Why do these parents seem to be affraid of their children? Have you ever seen these kind of people? They are so affraid of saying no, and laying down the law. I have friends that have children that run the house. They tell the parents when they want to sleep/eat and all kinds of stuff. I can't even go shopping without hearing some brat screaming about what they want and not taking no for an answere.
Our grandparents and our parents wouldn't put up with that kind of crap for a second. But you know what, they didn't need to because we knew better. I knew better than to even come close to the line, and I sure as hell didn't cross it. It wasn't so much of being affraid of them, but I respected them. I think there is a blance that parents have to reach. I think your kids need to be at least a little affraid of you, but they also need to respect you. Of course you have to earn respect, and you don't get that by watching tv or playing x box all day.
Play with your kids, read to them and just be there for them and things should be fine. But for god's sake a parent should never be affraid of a child.
I have seen parents be afraid of their children, but I have also seen parents bring up their children to be so disrespectful and scary that they feared by the rest of the world.
OP whereas I do agree with you, many of our parents and grandparents wouldn't put up with that kind of crap because they were able to take care of it back then (hitting was an acceptable form of discipline in many households).
Although, I am only 33, My parents brought me up like it was the 50's -- I wasn't allowed to date at all until I graduated college, I also wasn't allowed to move out of my parents house until I was 27. I was forced to go into teaching (a woman's field) and not allowed to pursue Architecture. Thank god I happen to like teaching, but I LOVE architecture.
Parents today are too interested in either being their kid's friend or worst enemy. I can see parents either coddle an 8 year old for having a tantrum, or tell a three year old to shut up when they have been shopping for 4 hours with no bathroom break or anything to eat.
You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!
I agree with most of what you said. And God bless you for being a teacher. I was brought up with some easy going parents, but I also got spanked form time to time, never hit. I was brought up to respect women, my elders and myself. I just don't understand how things have gotten this way. I think I am jaded a little because I work at a hospital that helps youth patients that have psychological and behavioral problems.
Most of the kids that have behavior problems not associated with a mental disability are a direct result of poor parenting. You should hear these parents in the family sessions. They talk about all kinds of things that their child prohibits them from doing. Things like going out to eat, going on vacations things like that. I just think if they would spend time with their children the problems would not be that bad. Most of them are acting out because they are craving attention and they are not getting it.
Sorry not allowed to move out at 27? That means they were holding you hostage, you could call the police and say they were forcing you against your will. At 27 you are a adult you can do what you want.
If you love architecture then it isn't too late, do that instead.
I can't eve really tell from your thread if you like your parents or hate them for it? I would hate them and the would probably never see me again after I escaped.
Jupiter... your post... ????? What does it matter if my post says that I like my parents or hate them? We're not talking about that... We are talking about how afraid the parents are of their kids these days. I knew they were holding me hostage, but I got help moving out and then bying my own place.
Well, because they hounded my ass... they let my middle sister get away with murder. She still gets away with murder to the tune of chastizing me in public in front of them whenever we get together. and NOW they are scared of her! Because they hounded me, they also forced my youngest sister to take matters into her own hands at the ripe old age of 4. She became a terror to them but not me (she was great with me, for some reason.) My parents, both professionals and my mother a teacher... had NO idea why she was a terror... they have NO idea why the middle one IS a terror, and they have NO idea why I really don't like being home.
You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!
I was just trying to clarify, I couldn't tell from your original post if you approved of how your parents raised you or if you were saying that was a bad thing.