Facente Family

Anyone see this episode? One of my favorites! It was so awesome and touching to see Tristin become more involved, speak some, etc. It was good to see the family come to terms with the fact that he is autistic too. Lynn K was a great teacher, if I do say so myself.

-- Allison
Finding Nemo fan.


I like this one too but the mom bothered me in some ways. First she doesn't even realize that her son is outside lost and then when they are trying to do his therapy she is all "I have the mother instinct to protect my child." And when she got so frustrated with her little girls because they were excited about helping with Tristan. What was that about? She seemed to realize at one point that she was in the wrong. Hopefully she never went back to her old ways.


I loved this family, too. The twin girls were adorable and Tristan was really making strides. I can't imagine what I'd do if my young son was diagnosed with autism, so I'm not going to judge the parents behavior in the beginning. They truly seemed like great parents to all three of their kids, even if they did lose patience at times (really, what parent doesn't lose patience?) I thought it spoke volumes how the dad got really emotional as Tristan started to communicate with them more. You could see they wanted the best for their son. A very sweet family.

"It's easy to be miserable. Being happy is tougher - and cooler."
Thom Yorke
