MovieChat Forums > Supernanny (2005) Discussion > maybe parents arent what they use to be?

maybe parents arent what they use to be?

I'm 28 and grew up in a house with 4 girls and being the only boy... so 5 kids total.

Yes my parents "to many kids" but we never acted like this. We went to school, did our homework, did the chores that was asked of us (never demanded, like "hey could you take out the trash?") and many other normal childhood things.

We were never spanked, and I mean NEVER.

We grew up with rules, boundaries, and like most kids there were times we didn't respect those boundaries but for the most part I would say we did.

My parents made "good money" but not good when raising 5 kids, Lol.

My parents gave us tons of attention, we did lots of family stuff, and I don't know... Shows like these always screw with my mind.

We were a bit unruly at times(we were kids after all) but never like what they show here.

Is it just laziness on the parents part? Do their kids do several bad things in a row and never get real discipline? Like I said before, we were never spanked and that's because we didn't have to be spanked. My parents had a glared that, I kid you not, even intimidated my friends.


The parents probably never took the time to set up boundaries for the kids or rules. If they did have rules the parents never followed through with consequences(time out, spanking, etc) if the child broke the rules over time the kids learn what they can get away with it. Its probably a mixure of laziness and the parents not reallyt knowing how to parent.


The parents just take the easy way out, and don't stay consistant. For one things, years ago, a lot of mothers worked in the home, now most women work, so they are too tired to discipline and stuff and ergo, monsters are raised. Tired or not, they need to stay consistant and let them know everytime they willnot get away with it. There is a line with parenting that should never be moved! I work with monsters, so I know first hand, if you read in the real or not thread, you can see a coupke of examples.

When all is said and done, more is said than done.


I understand with what you are saying. BTW I am almost 27 now and this might be long!!!! so i am sorry!

My parents both worked. My mother the day shift and my father the night.. he was home during the day, but sleeping, so couldnt watch me. Luckily my grandmother lived 5 minutes away and I basically lived with her most of my childhood. I absolutely love the fact that I had someone who loved me watch me and not a daycare. My mother was able to work because my grandmother was there and was retired.

I also had cousins who lived right behind my grannys house.. i was always outside in the yard, playing dolls, running around in the sprinklers, playing in the dirt..

its like i always had something to do.. not just sit around playing video games all day - we did have a nintendo! and we did play.. but not all the time like kids today.

i did get spanked a few times.. but believe me.. my granny would threaten me and i would listen right quick and shape up. There were rules and I knew to abide by them or get my butt smacked.. might sound harsh to some.. but i was a good kid who never had any trouble with other kids/school/teachers etc.. so it worked for me

i now have a son and taking away legos works most of the time.. time out in the corner for a while works too. he is almost 7 now, but we have spanked before - though now it seems like spanking is a thing of the past as he can definitely understand rules and regulations lol. many might think this is child abuse.. but we have used it as a last resort when he was out of control. We have never abused him and he is a very well rounded child. Some might think this is wrong, but I was spanked and dont hold any resentment whatsoever and was glad for the strict guidelines.

we also spend alot of time with him as i am a stay at home mom.

not all moms/dads can stay at home and have the other parents working.. but i also see lots of families work too hard to have "things" for their children instead of spending that extra time with them.. we eat at the dinner table every night and spend the weekend together.. i am not trying to judge 2 working parent homes.. but i do feel that SOME parents need to put family in front of work and money IF they can.. we sacrifice, but i feel that the time we spend together is what some of these out of control kids are missing.


I am with you. I got spanked as a kid (not all the time, just when I was really out of control, which wasn't that often), and I got the threat of a spanking, and I got, "The Look," and between the three, I grew up just fine.

I know a lot of people are against spanking, but sometimes it is necessary, and it is something I think is a BIG reason why so many kids are the way they are today. The simple fact is, the parents are not disciplining their kids. There needs to be consistent rules where discipline (either verbal or physical or preferably, both) are implemented when the child misbehaves. I don't believe in this "time out" crap. I don't believe it works. IMO, the "old" way was the best way.

Also, parents (and I don't care if the family is Catholic, Jewish, Episcopalian, or whatever) need to learn when to STOP having children. Not only is it not good to have a family of 5 or more most times, it's not healthy on the woman's body to constantly be pregnant like that! And then on top of that, she's the one left to deal with the kids all day, because daddy up and goes to work and is able to get away from the chaos. But the mother is the one run ragged because she CAN'T get away from the kids and the chaos. And that another thing I noticed about many of these families. There are just too many kids. The parents should either have stopped having sex, or implemented some form of birth control.



Many of the parents now adays nave NO clue what it means to be a parent.

It means that the party is over! Whether or not they are lawyers or on welfare, many of them on both sides of the spectrum still want their "pre-parent" life to exist.

It means that they are their children's first teachers. NO matter what other people say, parents really do teach their children subtly now to speak, how to behave, how to live. Many of parents now a days have NO clue that their 5 year old who hits her friends in Kindergarten class is doing it because her parents have TAUGHT her to hit by hitting her! That is the only way she can get her point across because that is the only way her mother gets the point across to her!!

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


Many of parents now a days have NO clue that their 5 year old who hits her friends in Kindergarten class is doing it because her parents have TAUGHT her to hit by hitting her!

Sorry, but that's a bunch of crap. I was spanked as a kid. I didn't run around hitting or punching or spanking anyone else.

Kids hit out of frustration, yes, but it's usually because they're parents are ignoring them or neglecting them in some other way. It has nothing to do with them being spanked.



Kids who are hit are definitely more likely to hit others.
