German Narration?

Does anybody know how the german version is narrated?
Is it narrated in form of a dialogue (as the original french version) or in documentary style (i.e. english version with Morgan Freeman)?

...and if you know, WHO is/are the german narrator(s)???




It is narrated in form of monologue/dialogue, as the original. But there is an alternative narration from Sky du Mont in documentary style at the DVD (special edition? Thats the only version i know...) aswell, which is much better imo.


Thanks a bunch.



Yesterday, the german tv station ProSieben and the austrian station ORF1 broadcasted this film simultanously. Luckily enough, we saw the former one, narrated in documentory style, and just switched over a couple of minutes for comparison. The dialog narration was almost unbearable...


i've seen dialogue narration and it was horrible. it was badly done by the 3 "voice talents" (isn't that how you call it?) and pretty stupid. it takes you out of the movie every time they say something.



you asked who the german narrators were. according to they are:

penguin father: Torsten Michaelis
mother: Andrea Loewig
child: Adrian Kilian

hope this helps


Thanks maritacovarrubias,

This website was unknown to me,
but - man - it's a great ressource, when it comes to
german dubbing/synchronizing.
In this respect, it features one part that the IMDb
completely lacks.

I immediately got stuck for an hour or so and had
to browse through all famous actors to see who is
doing their german voice.

Thanks again for that great contribution.

