Emperor V Happy Feet

I saw Happy Feet and wanted to SCREAM! I saw La Marche de l'empereur and laughed, cried (a little) and enjoyed the simplicity of the story, the beauty of cinematography and all this docu/film had to offer.

No comparison to Happy Feet - don't waste your time with that hyped up animation.


You are so right! Happy Feet was a total waste of time. I couldn't even watch the whole thing it was so lame.

I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with. - Edward P. Dowd


Happy Feet ROCKS!!!



I believe both March of the Penguins and Happy Feet are great movies. Infact, im gonna say they are the best movies i have seen. And because im so loyal im not gonna put one over the other.


I loved Happy Feet! They're both great!


I liked Happy Feet a little bit more than March of the Penguins, simply for the fact that it has a more personal narrative, and is much more of a "story." Of course, this is only a personal preferance, and I like March of the Penguins immensely, but it's a documentary. It can't help that.
I suppose I'd prob., like the French version better...
