Possible improvement?

This was a great film, but there is something that could have made it better. Since the vast majority of penguins look identical, it would have lessened the confusion if they gave the penguin "characters" names. They wouldn't have to be "stereotypical" penguin names like: Tennessee Tuxedo, Chilly Willy, or Monsieur Penguin--REGULAR names like Carl or Marion would have been fine!


The original french version did something like that. Not giving names to the penguins but telling a story in first-person instead of the "cold" and boring narration by Morgan Freeman in third-person that you can listen in the US version of this film.
In the french version the script involves a family of penguins and it does have a story, a man is the voice of the male penguin, an actress is the voice of the female and a kid is the voice of the chick.
I don't know why the US version didn't follow the original script written by Luc Jacquet and instead a more conventional and bland script/narration was chosen.

You should check the french release, I think you'll enjoy it a lot more.
