
I'm just watching on tv the english version of the movie and... WHAT IS THAT MUSIC??? WHERE'S EMILIE SIMON'S BEAUTIFUL SCORE?!?

Does anyone know the reason they've change the music? Since when you change de soundtrack with the language?!?


The whole concept of the movie was changed for the English version, not just the language. In the English version, there is no mother penguin, father penguin or baby penguin characters as with the original French version. It is more of a straight ahead documentary with Morgan Freeman providing sole narration. Since the original version was altered in such a drastic fashion, WB probably felt at liberty to alter the soundtrack. IMO, it worked out ok. Having seen the original French version, Simon's music worked well in that context as well.


I hated the music and Morgan Freemans (overused) voice. >;(


frozen world I guess...
they did a good job... this is a very good production...!

Even if I dissaprove what you think! I will defend your right to say it!

